63 Pd触媒による一酸化炭素挿入反応を利用した1,4-Benzodiazepine骨格の合成並びにその天然物合成への応用
- 論文の詳細を見る
A new synthetic method of benzolactams developed by us was extended to the synthesis of 1,4-benzodiazepine derivatives(4) by insertion of carbon monoxide into the aryl halide(3), which was prepared from o-haloaniline derivatives(1) and amino acid(2). For the amino acid, glycine was chosen for the synthesis of 1,4-benzodiazepine derivatives and proline gave pyrrolo-1,4-benzodiazepine derivatives. There are many naturally occurring and biologically active substances having these skeletons. This method has led to the synthesis of diazepam, cyclopeptine(6), cyclopenin(7) and cyclopenol(8). Moreover, a total synthesis of SEN-215(15) and a formal synthesis of anthramycin(9) were also achieved by use of this method. On the other hand, one step synthesis of 1,4-benzodiazepine derivatives from o-haloaniline and amino acid was effected under 5 atm pressure of carbon monoxide in the presence of a catalytic amount of Pd(OAc)_2 and PPh_3, and K_2CO_3 as base in xylene. This method was very effective for one step total synthesis of 1-cyclopeptine(6) from o-iodoaniline and methyl N-methylphenylalanate. Similarly, compounds 48 and 49 were prepared from methyl prolinate and methyl pipecolinate at a stretch. Compound 50 was considered to be a useful intermediate for the synthesis of neothramycin(12), which was prepared from 24 and methyl prolinate.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1983-09-15
木村 正弥
石倉 稔
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Higashi-nippon-gakuen University
森 美和子
伴 義雄
森 美和子
木村 正弥
伴 義雄
石倉 稔
寺島 正直
伴 義雄
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido University
寺島 正直
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Higashi-Nippon-Gakuen University
石倉 稔
- 61 十字交差環化反応を用いるアルカロイド類の合成
- The Synthesis of β-Carboline Derivatives. VII. The Isolation of the Possible Intermediate in the Condensation of 3-(2-Bromoethyl) indole and 2-Halogenopyridine.
- The Synthesis of 3-Spirooxindole Derivatives. IX. The Reactions of 2-Hydroxytryptamine with Hemiacetals
- 63 Pyrrolo-1,4-benzodiazepine系抗生物質の合成
- 63 Pd触媒による一酸化炭素挿入反応を利用した1,4-Benzodiazepine骨格の合成並びにその天然物合成への応用
- 72 光フリース転位反応を利用したインドールアルカロイドの合成研究
- Alkylated Levoglucosan in Organic Synthesis. : A Formal Total Synthesis of Elaiophylin
- Studies on the Bischler-Napieralski Reaction with Unsaturated Lactams. Syntheses of 5,6,9,10,11,12-Hexahydro-2,3-dimethoxybenzo [4,5-a]-benzo [f] quinolizinium and Dihydrosempervirine Salts
- 64(PA2-4) 抗腫瘍活性物質エリオラニンの合成研究(ポスター発表の部)
- 44 二量体マクロリドの合成研究
- 環拡大によるラクトン環の形成とジプロジアリドおよびホラカンソリドの合成 (中・大環状天然物合成の新展開) -- (ラクトンおよびラクタムの形成反応とマクロリドおよびその関連化合物の合成)
- アシロイン縮合反応を用いた天然物の合成 (天然物化学1980B)
- 41 ステロイド水酸化阻害物質,diplodialides及び関連化合物の合成
- 生合成類似の有機合成反応--主としてインド-ルアルカロイドについて (酵素類似機能をもつ有機反応-2-)
- 59 1,2-Enediolateの反応を利用した天然物の合成研究
- 13 IBOGA ALKALOIDSの合成研究 : dl-Ibogamine,dl-Epiibogamine dl-Ibogaine,dl-Epiibogaine,dl-Tabernanthine,dl-Epitabernanthineの全合成
- 20.Aspidosperma及びIboga alkaloidsの合成研究
- A Synthesis of (±)-Dihydrodeoxyepiallocernuine by Application of a Facile Hofmann-Loeffler Type of Photocyclization
- Studies on the Structures of Some Cholestanoindoles
- The Absolute Configuration of Sarkomycin.
- 25 天然物の絶対配置に関する研究 : エメチン、ヨヒンピン、レセルピンに就いて
- Quinolizidines. VII. Structure of O-Methylpsychotrine : The Endocyclic versus the Exocyclic Double Bond Structure in the Dihydroisoquinoline Moiety
- 59 触媒的不斉C-C結合生成反応を基軸とする(+)-Vernolepinの全合成(ポスター発表の部)
- A Novel Synthesis of 4-Aryl-and 4-Heteroarylpyridines via Diethyl (4-pyridyl) borane
- New Synthesis of Pyrrolo-1,4-benzodiazepines by Utilizing Palladium-Catalyzed Carbonylation
- Dialkyl (3-pyridyl) boranes
- 36 Pd触媒による一酸化炭素挿入反応を用いた天然物の合成
- Infrared Spectra of Some Indole and Pyrrole Compounds
- 40 Me_3SiSnBu_3-F^-による新規環化反応を用いた天然物合成(口頭発表の部)
- 50 ジルコノセンによる還元的環化反応を用いたDendrobineの全合成(口頭発表の部)
- Bimetalicな金属を利用したC-C Bond形成反応 : R_3SnSiR'_3を用いた新しい閉環反応の開発
- The Chemistry of Lactim Ethers. IV. Syntheses of 1,9-and 5,9-Diazasteroid Systems
- The Chemistry of Lactim Ethers. II. Reaction of Lactim Ethers with 2-Carbethoxymethyl Piperidines
- 18 マイトマイシン類の合成研究 : デカルバモイルオキシマイトマイシン誘導体の合成(口頭発表の部)
- New Aspects of the Aromatic Photosubstitution with Iodopyridines
- Direct Photolysis of Halopyridines in Solutions; Generation of the 2-Pyridyl Cation
- Photo-Arylation. VIII. Photosubstitution Reaction of 2-Fluoropyridine with Indoles
- Photo-Arylation. VII. : Photoreaction of 2-Halopyridine with Indole
- Photo-Arylation. IV. Synthesis of 2-Arylpyridines by Photo-Reaction of 2-Iodopyridine with Substituted Benzenes
- Studies on O-Alkylated Imides. II. Some Reactions of O-Ethyl Succinimide and O-Ethyl 4,4-Dimethyl-glutarimide
- The Reactions of Activated Amides. I. The Reactions of Iminoethers derived from the Secondary Amides with the Nucleophiles
- 21 オキシインドール誘導体よりアスピドスペルマおよびイボガアルカロイドの合成に関する研究
- Photochemical Synthesis of 5,10,11,12,12a, 12b-Hexahydro-12b-hydroxyisoindolo [2,1-α] benz [cd] indol-5-one
- The Fischer Indole Synthesis with Formic Acid.I.A Convenient Synthesis of 4a-Ethyl-9-formyl-1,2,3,4,4a, 9a-hexahydro-9H-carbazole
- Activation of Weak Organic Bases. VI. The Alkylation of Thiol Esters by Triethyloxonium Salt and Diethoxycarbonium Salt (HC^^+(OC_2H_5)_2,S^^-bCl_6)
- インド-ルアルカロイドの合成研究(学術研究の動向)
- 窒素を含む天然物の有効利用 (ナイトロジェン・ファインケミカルズの新局面)
- 窒素有機資源の開発と有効利用に関する化学的研究(学術研究の動向)
- ナイトロジェン・ファインケミカルズの一断面 (ナイトロジェン・ファインケミカルズ--窒素有機資源の開発と有効利用)
- 1,2-テトラメチレン-3,4-ジヒドロ-β-カルボリンの合成
- 4 遷移金属錯体による炭素-炭素結合形成反応を鍵段階とした(-)-mesembrineの合成(口頭発表の部)
- 38 ニッケル触媒による新規環化反応の開発及びそのプロスタノイド合成への利用(口頭発表の部)
- Fluorescence and Structure of Proteins as measured by Incorporation of Fluorophore. II. Synthesis of Maleimide Derivatives as Fluorescence-Labeled Protein-Sulfhydryl Reagents.
- Polyphosphate Esters as a Synthetic Agent. III. Amide and Peptide Syntheses
- Studies on Protein-Sulfhydryl Reagents. I. Synthesis of Benzimidazole Derivatives of Maleimide ; Fluorescent Labeling of Maleimide.
- 21 多環系インドールアルカロイドの合成研究 : (±)-Deoxyaspidodispermineおよび(±)-1-Acetylaspidoalbidineの全合成
- The Synthesis of β-Carboline Derivatives. VI. A Synthesis of 3-Ethyl-10-methoxy-12H-indolo [2,3-a] quinolizinium Salt (10-Methoxy-flavopereirine)
- 44 触媒的不斉合成を利用した(+)-crinamine、(-)-haemanthidineおよび(+)-pretazettineの全合成(口頭発表の部)
- 59 多環系インドールアルカロイドの合成研究 : 2,3のaspidosperma系アルカロイドの全合成並びに二量体型アルカロイド合成の試み
- The Reactions of Activated Amides. VI. The Reactions of 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone Dimethylacetal and 2-Methylmercapto-1-methyl-2-pyrroline with Dimethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate
- The Fischer Indole Synthesis with Formic Acid. II. The Synthesis of Hexahydrocyclopent (b) indoles
- The Synthesis of 3-Spirooxindole Derivatives. VIII. Total Syntheses of (±)-Formosanine, (±)-Isoformosanine, (±)-Mitraphylline and (±)-Isomitraphylline
- The Synthesis of 3-Spirooxindole Derivatives. VII. Total Synthesis of Alkaloids (±)-Rhynchophylline and (±)-Isorhynchophylline
- 41 3-Spirooxindoleの誘導体の合成研究 : dl-Formosanine,dl-Isoformosanine,dl-Mitraphylline,dl-Isomitraphyllineの全合成
- 36 3-Spirooxindole誘導体の合成研究 : (±)Rhynchophyllineおよび(±)Isorhynchophyllineの立体選択的合成
- The Reactions of Activated Amides. V. The Reactions of Cyclic Amide Acetals with Electrophiles
- Activation of Weak Organic Bases. V. The Alkylation of Thiono Esters by Diethoxycarbonium Hexachloroantimonate [chemical formula], S^^-bCl_6
- Activation of Weak Organic Bases. III. The Reactions of Divalent Sulfides with Acid Chlorides in the Presence of Friedel-Crafts Catalysts
- The Reactions of Activated Amides. IV. The Reactions of Amide Acetals with Esters
- The Synthesis of 3-Spirooxindole Derivatives. IV. The Conversion of 3-Spirooxindole to Indole Derivative.
- The Synthesis of 3-Spirooxindole Derivatives. III. Stereospecific Syntheses of rac-N-Methylrhynchophyllane for Stereochemistry of Rhynchophylline and Isorhynchophylline.
- The Synthesis of 3-Spirooxindole Derivatives. II. Syntheses of 1-Methylspiro-[indoline-3,1'-pyrrolizidine and Indolizidine]-2-one.
- The Synthesis of 3-Spirooxindole Derivatives. I. Syntheses of 1-Methyl-2', 3', 10', 10'a-tetrahydrospiro [indoline-3,1' (5'H)-pyrrolo [1,2-b]-isoquinoline]-2-one and its Homologs.
- Polyphosphate Ester as a Synthetic Agent. VII. The Beckmann Rearrangement and Formation of Amidines with PPE
- Polyphosphate Ester as a Synthetic Agent. IV. A Novel Preparation of Aryl Esters
- Polyphosphate Ester as a Synthetic Agent. V. The Fischer Indole Synthesis with Polyphosphate Ester
- Rearrangements in Dihydroresorcinol Derivatives. IV. Claisen Rearrangement of 3-Allyloxy-2-cyclohexen-1-ones
- 新しい間接的電解還元法によるアレンスルホニル基の除去 : 1-ベンツアゾシノン類の合成とその立体配座異性体について
- マイトマイシン関連物質の合成
- チタン-窒素錯体を用いた有機合成反応の開発 : 新規N1ユニット試剤の開発研究
- 有機金属錯体を用いるヘテロ環の合成 (ヘテロ環の化学)
- PdII-PPh3を用いるCO挿入反応
- The Reactions and Syntheses with Organometallic Compounds. II. The Deallylation Reaction with Pd^ and a New Synthesis of Primary Amines
- The Synthesis of β-Carboline Derivatives. IX. Syntheses of 2-(1-Hydroxymethyl-propyl)-1,2,3,4,6,7-hexahydro-12H, 12bH-indolo [2,3-α]-quinolizine (10-Desoxy-18,19-dihydro-15-epi-hunterburnine)
- The Synthesis of β-Carboline Derivatives. VIII. Syntheses of Bisnorflavocarpine and Its Relatives
- An Improved Synthesis Of Some Ketones as an Intermediate of 3-Substituted Isoquinoline.
- A Synthesis of Dibenzo (a, h) quinolizidine System by way of Immonium Salt Intermediate
- Polyphosphate Ester as a Synthetic Agent. VI. The Bischler-Napieralski Reaction of Tryptamine and Tryptophan Derivatives by Means of Polyphosphate Ester
- Rearrangement in Dihydroresorcinol Derivatives. II. Synthesis of 3-Alkoxy and Hydroxy-2-cyclohexen-1-one Oximes
- 調和のある知識(薬剤師国家試験年1回制を考える)
- Studies on the Stereochemistry of Emetine. III. Absolute Stereochemical Configuration of Emetine
- Studies on the Structure of (+)-Rubremetinium Cation. A New Synthesis of C-Bisnor-rubremetinium Cation and its Model Compound
- Polyphosphate Esters as Synthetic Reagent. I. Synthesis of 2-Substituted Benzimidazoles
- The Synthesis of β-Carboline Derivatives. V. A Synthesis of 1-Methyl-1,2,3,4,7,8-hexahydro-13H-benz [g] indolo [2,3-a] quinolizinium Salts.
- The Synthesis of β-Carboline Derivatives. IV. Total Synthesis of Alstoniline
- The Synthesis of β-Carboline Derivatives. III. A Synthesis of 10-Methoxy-6,7-dihydro-12H-indolo [2,3-a] quinolizinium Salts.
- 天然物の全合成 : アルカロイドからテルペンまで
- 電極反応を利用した複素環の合成 : 位置ならびに立体選択的合成への道
- 日本薬学会へのメッセージ
- On an endogenous monoamine oxidase inhibitor ( isatin ) of SHR.