アヤメ属植物のフラボノイド : その構造,分布,機能(総説)
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The genus Iris are consist of 150-300 species and mainly native to the temperate zone of the North Hemisphere. Until now, 30-60% of Iris species were surveyed for the flavonoids. Anthocyanins, C-glycosylflavones, flavones, flavonols, isoflavones, leucoanthocyanidins, dihydroflavonols, rotenoids, flavanones and coumaranochromones were reported as flavonoid classes from the genus. Of these classes, C-glycosylflavones, i. e., isovitexin, vitexin, orientin, isoorientin, swertisin, swertiajaponin etc., and their O-glycosides are major components, and are found from the leaves and flowers of almost species (Table 1). Isoflavones, of which many ones are peculiar to Iris species or were reported from the genus for the first time, are also major flavonoids. In almost cases, isoflavones are contained in the rhizomes, and but not in flowers and leaves. Majority of iris isoflavones are methoxylated at one or more position(s), or methylendioxylated, such as irisflorentin, iriflogenin, irisolone, iriskashmirianin etc., and many ones are 6- and/or 8-hydroxylated or methoxylated, such as iristectorigenin, tectorigenin, irisolidone etc, and/or 2′-hydroxylated or methoxylated, such as irisone A, irisone B etc., which are characteristic of iris isoflavones. Though flavonols are found from some species, they occur as minor components of the leaves (Table 2). Leucoanthocyanidins, i. e. leucocyanidin and/or leucodelphinidin are also detected from the leaves of many Iris species. Flavones, rotenoids, coumaranochromones, flavanones and dihydroflavonols are minor compounds. Though they are isolated from the rhizomes, a few ones are detected from the leaves of some species. They are rare flavonoids in plants as cases of isoflavones. Major anthocyanins of Iris species are delphinidin, petunidin and malvidin. In almost species, they were isolated from the flowers as 3-O-(p-coumaroylrutinoside)-5-O-glucoside, i. e., delphanin, petanin and ensatin and their deacylated glycosides. Cyanidin and peonidin which are common anthocyanidins in other almost plants were isolated from the flowers of a few cultivars of Japanese garden iris, I. ensata, among Iris species. However, pelargonidin is not reported in the genus Iris. Xanthones, which based C_6-C_1-C_6 and differ from the flavonoids (C_6-C_3-C_6), are also widely distributed in Iris species. A major compound is C-glycosylxanthone, mangiferin, which occasionally accompanied with isomangiferin and their O-glycosides. Though common xanthones are isolated from the leaves and flowers, rare irisxanthone, 1-hydroxy-3,5,6-trimethoxyxanthone 2-C-glucoside and 1,3,5,6-tetramethoxyxanthone 2-C-glucoside are detected from the rhizomes of I. florentina. The speciation of Iris setosa and two Japanese varieties, var. hondoensis and var. nasuensis was described as a chemotaxonomical study of Iris species using the flavonoids. Moreover, correlation between the flower colors and flavonoids (anthocyanins and C-glycosylflavones as copigments) in cases of I. tingitana and I. ensata. The function of isoflavones in the rhizomes were also roughly illustrated.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1998-12-25
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国立科学博物館 筑波実験植物園
大谷 俊二
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国立科学博物館 筑波研究資料センター 筑波実験植物園
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