Recent Progress of the Amorphous Silicon Solar Cell Technology : C-5: SOLAR CELLS
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1983-02-28
HAMAKAWA Yoshihiro
Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Hamakawa Yoshihiro
Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Hamakawa Yoshihiro
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
- Characteristics of the Time-Resolved Photoluminescence in Microcrystalline Si
- Lifetime and diffusion coefficient of carriers in X-ray irradiated a-Si:H
- Threshold Voltage Control Using Floating Back Gate for Ultra-Thin-Film SOI CMOS
- Silicon Wafer Direct Bonding through the Amorphous Layer
- LPE Growth of InGa_xP_As_on GaAs Substrate by Two-Phase Melt Method.
- Characterization of Thermally-Induced Defects in CZ-Si by Room-Temperature Photoluminescence
- Photoluminescence Characterization of Polycrystalline Si for Solar Cells : I-3: CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLAR CELLS
- Deep Impurity Levels in InP LEC Crystals
- Bound Multiexciton Luminescence in Lithium-Doped Silicon
- Hall-Effect and Photoluminescence Measurements of Oxygen-Related Donors in CZ-Si Crystals