Dependence of Crystal Orientation of BiSrCaCuO Thin Films on Off-Angles of Vicinal SrTiO_3 (110) Surfaces
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1991-11-01
Wada Osamu
Materials & Electronic Device Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Materials and Electronic Devices Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
KATAOKA Masayuki
Materials & Electronic Devices Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Kataoka M
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Wada O
The Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Kobe University
Wada Osamu
Materials And Structures Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
OGAMA Tetsuo
Materials and Electronic Devices Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
TAKAMI Tetsuya
Central Research Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
KOJIMA Kazuyoshi
Central Research Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Central Research Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Wada O
The Femtosecond Technology Research Association:the Kobe University.
Tanimura J
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Hyogo Jpn
Takami T
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Hyogo Jpn
Tanimura Junji
Materials And Electronic Devices Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Kojima Kazuyoshi
Central Research Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Ogama T
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Hyogo Jpn
Kuroda Ken'ichi
Advanced Technology R&d Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Tsukuba Research Laboratory, Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd.
Hamanaka K
Tsukuba Research Laboratory Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd.
Hamanaka Koichi
Central Research Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Tanimura Junji
Materials and Electronic Device Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Ogama Tetsuo
Materials and Electronic Device Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
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