The Characteristics and the Potential of Super Resolution Near-Field Structure
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2000-02-28
FUJI Hiroshi
Advanced Technology Research Laboratories, Sharp Corporation
Advanced Optical Memory Group, National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (NAIR)
NAKANO Takashi
Advanced Optical Memory Group, National Institute for Advenced Interdisciplinary Research (NAIR)
ATODA Nobufumi
Advanced Optical Memory Group, National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (NAIR)
Fuji H
Sharp Corp. Nara Jpn
Fuji Hiroshi
Advanced Technology Research Laboratories Sharp Corporation
Tominaga J
Center For Applied Near-field Optics Research (can-for) Aist
Tominaga J
Chikumagawa The 1st Technical Center Tdk
Tominaga Junji
Advanced Optical Memory Group National Institute For Advanced Interdisciplinary Research
Atoda Nobufumi
Laboratory For Advanced Optical Technology National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Tec
Atoda N
Sortec Ibaraki Jpn
Atoda Nobufumi
Atoda Nobufumi
Advanced Optical Memory Group National Institute For Advanced Interdisciplinary Research
Sato A
Nagaoka Univ. Technol. Niigata Jpn
Atoda N.
National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (NAIR) Advanced Optical Memory Group
Sato Akira
Optical Technology Division, Minolta Co., Ltd.
Sato A
National Inst. Advanced Industrial Sci. And Technol. Ibaraki Jpn
Atoda N
Laboratory For Advanced Optical Technology National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Tec
Sato A
Takatsuka Laboratory Minolta Co.
Nakano T
Center For Applied Near-field Optics Research (can-for) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Sc
Fuji Hiroshi
Advanced Technology Research Laboratories Sharp Corp.
Nakano Takashi
Advanced Optical Memory Group, National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (NAIR), 1-1-4 Higashi, Tsukuba 305-8562, Japan
Nakano Takashi
Advanced Optical Memory Group, NAIR, MITI
- Observation of Eye Pattern on Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disk with Write-Strategy Technique
- Super-Resolution Read-Only Memory Disk with Metal Nanoparticles or Small Aperture
- Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure and Signal Enhancement by Surface Plasmons
- Photoluminescence Study of InAs Quantum Dots and Quantum Dashes Grown on GaAs(211)B
- (Ga, Mn)As /GaAs Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Superlattice Structures Prepared by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- In-situ Raman Scattering Spectroscopy for a Super Resolution Optical Disk during Readout
- Electroplated Reflection Masks for Soft X-Ray Projection Lithography
- Resist Performance in 5 nm Soft X-Ray Projection Lithography
- Reduction Imaging at 4.5 nm with Schwarzschild Optics
- Fabrication of 0.1μm Line-and-Space Patterns using Soft X-Ray Reduction Lithography
- Sub-0.1 μm Resist Patterning in Soft X-Ray (13 nm) Projection Lithography
- High Density Recording Capability of Laser-Assisted Magnetic Recording
- Optical Properties of Metal-Oxide Films in Super-RENS
- Super-Resolutional Readout Disk with Metal-Free Phthalocyanine Recording Layer
- Spectroscopic Investigation of AgO_x Films for Super Resolution Near Field Structure Application
- Antimony Aperture Properties on Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure using Different Protection Layers
- The Near-Field Super-Resolution Properties of an Antimony Thin Film
- Thermal Lithography for 100-nm Dimensions Using a Nano-Heat Spot of a Visible Laser Beam : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Readout Durability Improvement of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Discs with PtO_x-SiO_2 Recording and GeN_y Interfacial Layers
- Analysis of Deformation of X-Ray Mask Membrane in Aligner Motion
- Effect of Helium Gas Pressure on X-Ray Mask Heating during Synchrotron Radiation Exposure
- In-Ag-Te-Sb Phase Change Recording Media at Compact Disk Linear Velocity
- V and Ti Doping Effect on In-Ag-Te-Sb Optical Phase Change Rewritable Disc
- New Recordable Compact Disc with Inorganic Material, AgO_x
- Thermal Origin of Readout Mechanism of Light-Scattering Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disk
- High-Speed Optical Near-Field Photolithography by Super Resolution Near-Field Structure
- Improvement of Super-RENS MO Disk Characteristics by Optimized Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure
- Super-Resolution Readout Using a Silver Scattering Center with Plasmon Excitation Generated in a Non-Magnetic Readout Layer
- Magneto-Optical Characteristics Enhanced by Super Resolution Near Field Structure
- The Effects of Metal-Doped GeSbTe Films on Light Scattering-Mode Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure (Super-RENS)
- Near-Field Optical Simulation of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disks
- Oxygen Doping Effects on Super-resolution Scattering-mode Near-field Optical Data Storage
- A Near-Field Recording and Readout Technology Using a Metallic Probe in an Optical Disk
- The Characteristics and the Potential of Super Resolution Near-Field Structure
- Double Optical Phase Transition of GeSbTe Thin Films Sandwiched between Two SiN Layers
- Effect of SiO2 addition to PtOx recording layer of super-resolution near-field structure disc (Special issue: Optical memories)
- Metal-Free Phthalocyanine Layer Prepared on Read-Only-Memory Disc for Super-Resolution Readout
- Super-RENS Disk for Blue Laser System Retrieving Signals from Polycarbonate Substrate Side
- Readout Power Dependence of Signal Distribution Observed in Fourier Plane of Focus Spot
- An Approach to Lower the Threshold Laser Power of Super-Resolutional-Readout Optical Disk Using Silver Telluride Layer
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Image of GeSb_2Te_4 Thin Films
- New Nonvolatile Analog Memories for Analog Data Processing
- New Nonvolatile Analog Memories for Building Associative Memories
- Effect of Y-Doping on Resistance Degradation of Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with Ni Electrodes under the Highly Accelerated Life Test
- Aging Behavior of Ni-Electrode Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors with X7R Characteristics
- Bit-by-Bit Detection on Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disk with Platinum Oxide Layer
- Recording and Readout Mechanisms of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disc with Silver-Oxide Layer
- Electrical Properties of Nanometer-Width Refractory Metal Lines Fabricated by Focused Ion Beam and Oxide Resists
- 50-nm Metal Line Fabrication by Focused Ion Beam and Oxide Resists : Focused Ion Beam Process
- 50-nm Metal Line Fabrication by Focused Ion Beam and Oxide Resists
- Focused Ion Beam Fabrication of Fine Metal Structures by Oxide Resists : Beam-Induced Physics and Chemistry
- Patterned Alignment of Liquid Crystal on Photopolymer by Single-Exposure Photocuring Process
- A Novel Alignment Process in Liquid Crystal Cell Fabrication Using Reversible Poly (Vinyl-Cinnamate) Photoalignment Technique
- Focused Ion Beam Fabrication of Fine Metal Structures by Oxide Resists
- Nanoscale Dots Fabrication by Volume Change Thermal Lithography
- Signal Characteristics of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disks with 100GB Capacity
- Super Resolution Read Only Memory Disc Using Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Technology
- Signal Characteristics of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disk in Blue Laser System
- Study on Chlorine Adsorbed Silicon Surface Using Soft-X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Measurement of Sidewall Roughness by Scanning Tunneling Microscope : Inspection and Testing
- Measurement of Sidewall Roughness by Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Mechanism of Resist Pattern Collapse during Development Process
- Dual Function of Thin MoO_3 and WO_3 Films as Negative and Positive Resists for Focused Ion Beam Lithography
- Study of the Crystallization of GeSbTe Films by Raman Spectroscopy
- Focused Ion Beam Lithography with Transition Metal Oxide Resists : Lithography Technology
- Coupled boundary element-characteristics method for elastoplastic problem in rock engineering
- Bit-by-Bit Detection on Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disk with Platinum Oxide Layer
- Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure and Signal Enhancement by Surface Plasmons
- Pinning Effect Induced by Underlayer in TbFeCo Magnetic Recording Media
- Near-Field Optical Simulation of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disks
- Magneto-Optical Characteristics Enhanced by Super Resolution Near Field Structure
- The Effects of Metal-Doped GeSbTe Films on Light Scattering-Mode Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure (Super-RENS)
- Recording and Readout Mechanisms of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disc with Silver-Oxide Layer
- Antimony Aperture Properties on Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure using Different Protection Layers