Super-Resolution Read-Only Memory Disk with Metal Nanoparticles or Small Aperture
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2002-03-30
Kikukawa T
Recording Media And Solutions Business Group Tdk Corporation
FUJI Hiroshi
Advanced Technology Research Laboratories, Sharp Corporation
NOMURA Akihiko
Technology Development Division, Victor Company of Japan Ltd
Technology Development Division, Victor Company of Japan Ltd
Data Storage Technology Center, TDK Corp.
Laboratory for Advanced Optical Technology (LAOTECH), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Scie
Fuji H
Sharp Corp. Nara Jpn
Fuji Hiroshi
Advanced Technology Research Laboratories Sharp Corporation
Tominaga J
Center For Applied Near-field Optics Research (can-for) Aist
Tominaga J
Chikumagawa The 1st Technical Center Tdk
Kikukawa Takashi
Information Technology Research Center Tdk Corporation
Kikukawa Takashi
Data Storage Technology Center Tdk Corporation
Oishi Kenji
Technology Development Division Victor Company Of Japan Ltd
Nomura Akihiko
Technology Development Division Victor Company Of Japan Ltd
Fuji Hiroshi
Advanced Technology Research Laboratories Sharp Corp.
Kikukawa Takashi
Data Storage Technology Center Tdk Corp.
Tominaga Junji
Laboratory For Advanced Optical Technology (laotech) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Nomura Akihiko
Technology Development Division Victor Company Of Japan Limited
- Heterologous Expression of Pharaonis Halorhodopsin in Xenopus laevis Oocytes and Electrophysiological Characterization of Its Light-Driven Cl- Pump Activity
- Interaction of the Halobacterial Transducer to a Halorhodopsin Mutant Engineered so as to Bind the Transducer : Cl- Circulation within the Extracellular Channel
- 2P313 Structural network in the extracellular region corresponding to the visual spectral shift of halorhodopsin(41. Proton and ion pumping,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 2P311 The role of E234 on the extracellular site in the anion pump of pharaonis halorhodopsin(41. Proton and ion pumping,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 3P-097 ハロロドプシンの光活性はホモ三量体化によって変調を受けるのか?(膜蛋白質,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P-264 大腸菌発現系を用いたsalinarumハロロドプシンの機能解析(光生物・視覚,光受容(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P-259 光駆動型クロライドポンプハロロドプシンのアニオン取込みにおけるアルギニン側鎖の構造変化(光生物・視覚,光受容(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- The Solution Structure of Diapause-Specific Peptide
- 3P-217 大腸菌多剤排出輸送担体EmrEのアンチパラレル構造(生体膜/人工膜・輸送,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-216 ハロロドプシンポンプ機能におけるシッフ塩基近傍酸性残基の役割(生体膜/人工膜・輸送,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Anti-parallel membrane topology of two components of EbrAB, a multidrug transporter.
- 1P512 Fast backbone amide assignment of ^N-HSQC spectrum(25. New methods and tools (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Two-component bacterial multidrug transporter, EbrAB: Mutations making each component solely functional
- A light-driven proton pump from Haloterrigena turkmenica: Functional expression in Escherichia coli membrane and coupling with a H+ co-transporter
- Observation of Eye Pattern on Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disk with Write-Strategy Technique
- Super-Resolution Read-Only Memory Disk with Metal Nanoparticles or Small Aperture
- Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure and Signal Enhancement by Surface Plasmons
- 3P002 Conformational changes of extracellular loop of halorhodopsin by chloride binding(Protein: Structure,The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- 2P272 海藻由来アセタブラリアロドプシンIIの光化学反応(光生物-視覚・光受容,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P255 ハロロドプシンのCl-移動中における,シッフ塩基のpKa変化(光生物-視覚・光受容,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P262 負の走光性レセプターNpSRIIと大腸菌走化性レセプターTsrの機能的相互作用(光生物-視覚・光受容,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P088 無脊椎動物由来抗菌ペプチドと脂質膜の相互作用解析(蛋白質-機能(反応機構,生物活性など),第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P083 ヒト由来機能未知タンパク質ZNF821における23アミノ酸からなるタンデムリピートドメインSTPRの機能解析(蛋白質-機能(反応機構,生物活性など),第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-209 ファラオニスハロロドプシンのCl-輸送機構におけるAsp252の役割(光生物-視覚・光受容,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-208 Halobacterium salinarum由来のフォボロドプシン(センサリーロドプシンII)の光化学反応サイクルとプロトン移動(光生物-視覚・光受容,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-205 大腸菌発現系を用いたsalinarumハロロドプシンの機能的再構成(光生物-視覚・光受容,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- The Structure of Physarum polycephalum Hemagglutinin I Suggests a Minimal Carbohydrate Recognition Domain of Legume Lectin Fold
- In-situ Raman Scattering Spectroscopy for a Super Resolution Optical Disk during Readout
- Roles of Ser130 and Thr126 in Chloride Binding and Photocycle of pharaonis Halorhodopsin
- High Density Recording Capability of Laser-Assisted Magnetic Recording
- 1P-032 新規デフェンシンの膜構造と抗菌活性(蛋白質-構造機能相関,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1TA1-09 新規デフェンシンの膜構造と抗菌活性(蛋白質-構造機能相関,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure with Alternative Recording and Mask Materials
- Optical Properties of Metal-Oxide Films in Super-RENS
- Super-Resolutional Readout Disk with Metal-Free Phthalocyanine Recording Layer
- Spectroscopic Investigation of AgO_x Films for Super Resolution Near Field Structure Application
- Antimony Aperture Properties on Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure using Different Protection Layers
- The Near-Field Super-Resolution Properties of an Antimony Thin Film
- Thermal Lithography for 100-nm Dimensions Using a Nano-Heat Spot of a Visible Laser Beam : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Local Structure of AgO_x Thin Layers Generating Optical Near Field : an X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Study
- 3P279 膜タンパク質ハロロドプシンの構造安定性と機能へのヘリックス間ループの影響(光生物-視覚・光受容,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P100 共発現による封入体化を利用した効率的な短鎖ペプチド生産技術(蛋白質-蛋白質工学/進化工学,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P006 タキプレシンI-LPS複合体の立体構造解析(蛋白質-構造,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P264 ハロロドプシンの三量体形成メカニズムと機能変調(光生物-視覚・光受容,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P027 細胞増殖抑制活性を持つ新規誘導体の構造および相互作用の解析(蛋白質-構造,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-096 蛍光相関分光法を用いたFMBP-1の生体内分子動態解析(核酸結合蛋白質,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P-084 ハロロドプシンNpHRの三量体構造はF150残基の対称配置によって安定化される(膜蛋白質,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P-076 共発現によるペプチド封入体化発現法におけるパートナータンパク質の検討(蛋白質-蛋白質工学/進化工学,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2TP2-01 ハロロドプシンNpHRの三量体構造はF150残基の対称配置によって安定化される(膜蛋白質,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1TP5-09 機能未知ヒト蛋白質の23アミノ酸繰返しドメインのDNA結合性について(核酸結合蛋白質,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Readout Durability Improvement of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Discs with PtO_x-SiO_2 Recording and GeN_y Interfacial Layers
- High-Density Rewritable Optical Disk Using Groove recording
- Anti-parallel Membrane Topology of a Homo-dimeric Multidrug Transporter, EmrE
- In-Ag-Te-Sb Phase Change Recording Media at Compact Disk Linear Velocity
- V and Ti Doping Effect on In-Ag-Te-Sb Optical Phase Change Rewritable Disc
- New Recordable Compact Disc with Inorganic Material, AgO_x
- Thermal Origin of Readout Mechanism of Light-Scattering Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disk
- High-Speed Optical Near-Field Photolithography by Super Resolution Near-Field Structure
- Improvement of Super-RENS MO Disk Characteristics by Optimized Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure
- Super-Resolution Readout Using a Silver Scattering Center with Plasmon Excitation Generated in a Non-Magnetic Readout Layer
- Magneto-Optical Characteristics Enhanced by Super Resolution Near Field Structure
- The Effects of Metal-Doped GeSbTe Films on Light Scattering-Mode Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure (Super-RENS)
- Near-Field Optical Simulation of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disks
- Oxygen Doping Effects on Super-resolution Scattering-mode Near-field Optical Data Storage
- A Near-Field Recording and Readout Technology Using a Metallic Probe in an Optical Disk
- The Characteristics and the Potential of Super Resolution Near-Field Structure
- Double Optical Phase Transition of GeSbTe Thin Films Sandwiched between Two SiN Layers
- Effect of SiO2 addition to PtOx recording layer of super-resolution near-field structure disc (Special issue: Optical memories)
- Metal-Free Phthalocyanine Layer Prepared on Read-Only-Memory Disc for Super-Resolution Readout
- Super-RENS Disk for Blue Laser System Retrieving Signals from Polycarbonate Substrate Side
- Readout Power Dependence of Signal Distribution Observed in Fourier Plane of Focus Spot
- An Approach to Lower the Threshold Laser Power of Super-Resolutional-Readout Optical Disk Using Silver Telluride Layer
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Image of GeSb_2Te_4 Thin Films
- Effect of Molecular Assembly on Photocycle of Reconstituted Bacteriorhodopsin : Significant Blue Shift of the Late M Photointermediate in the Liquid Crystalline Phase
- High-Density Read-Only Memory Disc with Supper Resolution Reflective Layer
- Practical Properties of Thermochromically Induced Super-Resolution Read-Only Memory Disk (TSR-ROM)
- Thermochromic Super-Resolution in Phase-Change Rewritable Disk with Double Mask Layer
- Bit-by-Bit Detection on Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disk with Platinum Oxide Layer
- Recording and Readout Mechanisms of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disc with Silver-Oxide Layer
- Data Reliability Deterioration of Phase-Change Discs Caused by Lowering of Crystallization Speed of Amorphous Marks through a High Environmental Temperature Storage
- Nanoscale Dots Fabrication by Volume Change Thermal Lithography
- Signal Characteristics of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disks with 100GB Capacity
- Super Resolution Read Only Memory Disc Using Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Technology
- Signal Characteristics of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disk in Blue Laser System
- Super-Resolution Rewritable Optical Disk Having a Mask Layer Composed of Thermo-Chromic Organic Dye
- Single Objective Lens Having Numerical Aperture of 0.85 for a High Density Optical Disk System
- Lubrication Study of Resin Film for Magnetic Field Modulation Recording on Magneto-optical Disk
- Holographic Data Storage Media Employing Phase-Change Reflector
- Dual-Layer Recordable Digital Versatile Disc Having Protruded Land Pre Pit in L1 Layer Fabricated by Inverse Stack Method
- Bit-by-Bit Detection on Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disk with Platinum Oxide Layer
- Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure and Signal Enhancement by Surface Plasmons
- Thermochromic Super-Resolution in Phase-Change Rewritable Disk with Double Mask Layer
- Pinning Effect Induced by Underlayer in TbFeCo Magnetic Recording Media
- Local Structure of AgOx Thin Layers Generating Optical Near Field: an X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Study
- High-Density Rewritable Optical Disk Using Groove Recording
- Magneto-Optical Characteristics Enhanced by Super Resolution Near Field Structure
- The Effects of Metal-Doped GeSbTe Films on Light Scattering-Mode Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure (Super-RENS)
- Recording and Readout Mechanisms of Super-Resolution Near-Field Structure Disc with Silver-Oxide Layer
- Practical Properties of Thermochromically Induced Super-Resolution Read-Only Memory Disk (TSR-ROM)
- Data Reliability Deterioration of Phase-Change Discs Caused by Lowering of Crystallization Speed of Amorphous Marks through a High Environmental Temperature Storage