Optical Constants of ZnSe_xTe_<1-x> Ternary Alloys
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1993-06-15
Adachi Seiji
Central Research Laboratory Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Adachi Seiji
Central Research Laboratories Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Adachi Sadao
Department Of Electronics Osaka University
Adachi Sadao
Department Of Electronic Engineering Gunma University
Adachi S
Hiroshima Univ. Higashihiroshima Jpn
Adachi Satoru
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University:(present Address)department Of Material Science Hime
OZAKI Shunji
Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University
Ozaki S
Gunma Univ. Gunma
Ozaki Shunji
Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Gunma University
- Fabrication of Multilayer Structures and Ramp-Edge Josephson Junctions with (Hg,Re)Ba_2CaCu_2O_y Films
- (Hg, Re)Ba_2CaCu_2O_y [100]-Tilt Grain Boundary Josephson Junctions with High Characteristic Voltages
- Noise Properties of (Hg_Re_)Ba_2CaCu_2O_y Dc Superconducting Quantum Interference Device on (LaAlO_3)_-(SrAl_Ta_O_3)_ Substrates : Superconductors
- Mesoscopic Phenomena in Microstructures of IV-VI Epilayers
- Direct Observation of Exciton Magnetic Polaron in CdMnTe from Polarized Magneto-Photoluminescence
- Fabrication and Anisotropic Transport Properties of (Hg, Re) Ba_2CaCu_2O_y Epitaxial Thin Films on Vicinal Substrates with Buffer Layers
- A New Homologous Series of Superconducting Cuprates with the 22(n-1)n Structure, (Hg_Tl_x)_2Ba_2Ca_Cu_nO_y (x〜0.4, n=3, 4)
- New Magnetic Phases in the R-Cu-O (R=Tm and Y) Systems
- A Missing Link is Found: a Novel Homologous Series of Superconducting Pb-Based Cuprates
- Advances in High-T_c Single Flux Quantum Device Technologies
- Design and Operation of HTS SFQ Circuit Elements(Innovative Superconducting Devices and Their Applications)
- Development of SFQ Sampler Using High-T_c Superconductor
- Development of Thin Film Multilayer Structures with Smooth Surfaces for HTS SFQ Circuits(Digital Applications, Superconducting Electronic Devices and Their Applications)
- Fabrication of La-Doped YBCO and SrTiO_3-Buffered LSAT Thin Films for Ramp-Edge Josephson Junctions on Superconducting Ground Plane(Recent Progress in Oxide Thin Films by Sputtering)
- Development of Two-Step Deposition Process for Interface-Modified Ramp-Edge Josephson Junction with Low Sheet Inductance and Small Spread : Superconductors
- Influence of Counter-Layer Deposition Condition on Critical Current Spread in Interface-Modified Ramp-Edge Junction Arrays : Superconductors
- Optical Properties of CuO Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Optical Properties of Cu_2O Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Numerical Studies on Parameters for Stable Adiabatic Inversion by Gaussian and Square Pulses
- Measurement of Dipole Matrix Element of Atomic Gd Transitions using Rabi Flopping
- Superlattice Structure of TlBa_2Ca_2Cu_3O_y and Tl_2Ba_2Ca_2Cu_3O_y (c/2)
- Synthesis and Characterization of Single-Phase (Tl_Bi_x)Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O_y Ceramics
- Superconductivity in a Tl-Sr-Y-Cu-O System
- Superconductive Transition at 120 K in a Tl-Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System
- Superconductivity Near 50 K in a Bi-La-Ca-Cu-O System
- Superconductivity in a Tl-Pb-Pr-Sr-Cu-O System
- Synthesis of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Ceramics with Large Intergrowth Defects
- Superconductivity in a Ln-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System
- Formation and Decomposition of Superconducting BiSrCaCu_2O_x Ceramics : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Superconducting Properties in a Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Annealing Effect of High-T_c Superconducting Y(Ba_Sr_x)_2Cu_3O_ Ceramics
- Chemical Treatmemt Effect of Si(111) Surfaces in H_2SO_4 : H_2O_2 Solution
- NH_4OH-Treated Si(111) Surfaces Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Atomic Force Microscopy
- Quasi-Static Analysis of Resonant Brillouin Scattering in ZnSe, ZnTe and CdS
- Surface Morphology of Tl_2Ba_2Ca_2Cu_O_y Thin Films Prepared by Thallium Diffusion Process
- Substitution Effect of Rare Earth Elements for Y in Pb-Sr-Y-Ca-Cu-O with "1212" Structure
- Study on Annealing Treatment and Sr/Ca Ratio for Pb-Sr-Y-Ca-Cu-O Ceramics with "1212" Structure
- In Situ Preparation of Pb-Based Superconducting Thin Films at Low Temperature and Low Oxidizing Atmosphere
- Annealing Effect of (Pb/Cu)SrLaCuO_y Superconductor
- Crystal Structure of (Pb/Cu)SrLaCuO_y Superconductor
- Superconductivity in "1201" Lead Cuprate
- Evaluation of Multilayer Structure and Depth Profile by PAS Using a Transparent Transducer : Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
- Evaluation of Ion Implantation into Silicon Photoacoustic Spectroscopy using Transparent Transducer Method : Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
- Decomposition of Chlorofluorocarbon by Pulse High-Current Discharge and Fast Burning through Spark Discharge
- Decomposition of Low-Pressure Pollutant by Repeated Pulse Microwave Discharge
- Characterization of La-doped YBCO superconducting films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering at various off-axis geometries
- Properties of (Hg_Re_)Ba_2CaCu_2Oy Grain Boundary Junctions on SrTiO_3 and (LaAlO_3)_-(SrAl_Ta_O_3)_ Substrates with Different Misorientation Angles
- The Effect of Zn-Doping on the Magnetic Field Induced Dimensional Crossover in YBa_2Cu_4O_8 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Application of Pulse High-Energy Electron Beams for Decomposition of Chlorofluorocarbon in Atmospheric-Pressure Air
- Optical Constants of ZnSe_xTe_ Ternary Alloys
- Substitution Effect of Sr for Ba of High-T_c Superconducting YBa_2Cu_3O^ Ceramics
- Optical Properties of Ion-Implanted Si layeres Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Numerical Study on Acoustic Emission from Flow Past an Airfoil
- Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Study of (111) and (100)Si Surfaces Etched in Aqueous KOH Solution
- Signal Processing and Sonification of Seismic Electromagnetic Radiation in the ELF Band(Special Section on Acoustic Signal Processing)
- Chemical Treatment Effectson Si (111) Surfaces in Aqueous NaF Solution : Semiconductors
- Effect of Lifetime Broadening on Resonant Brillouin Scattering in ZnTe and ZnSe
- Resonant Brillouin Scattering by LA Phonons in CdS
- Optical Constants of Amorphous Ga_2Te_3 and In_2Te_3
- On Signal Processing for Electromagnetic Waves Radiation Application to Great Earthquake Prediction
- Electroreflectance Study of (AlxGa1-x)0.5In0.5P Alloys
- HF-Treated (111), (110) and (100)Si Surfaces Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Study of Si Surfaces Modified by Low-Energy Ar^+-Ion Irradiation
- Refractive-Index Dispersion in Zn_Cd_xTe Ternary Alloys
- Optical Constants of Zn_Cd_xTe Ternary Alloys : Experiment and Modeling
- Optical Constants of Cubic ZnS
- Optical Constants of Amorphous Ga_2Se_3
- Optical Properties of SnTe
- Optical Properties of PbTe
- Chemical Etching Characteristics of (100)GaAs in Kusatsu Spa Water
- Numerical Derivative Analysis of the Pseudodielectric Function of CdTe
- Resonant Forbidden Brillouin Scattering in CdS
- Spectroscopic-Ellipsometry and Thermoreflectance Spectra of Sputter-Deposited InSb Films
- Optical Properties of (Al_xGa_)_In_P Quaternary Alloys
- Chemical Treatment Effects on Si Surfaces in SC2 Solutions Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Study of GaAs(001) Surfaces Treated in Aqueous HCl Solutions
- Porous Silicon Formation by Photoetching in HF/H2O2 Solution Using Incoherent Light Source
- Light Emission from Porous Silicon Photoetched in Aqueous Alkali Salt Solutions
- Analysis of Optical Constants for Sputter-Deposited InSb Films Based on the Interband-Transition Model
- Resonant Brillouin Scattering in Zn_xCd_Te Solid Solutions
- Resonant Brillouin Scattering in CdS by Piezoelectrically Inactive TA Phonon Domains
- Resonant Brillouin Scattering in ZnTe
- Resonant Brillouin Scattering in GaSe and GaS
- Recent Developments of High-T_c Electronic Devices with Multilayer Structures and Ramp-Edge Josephson Junctions
- High-Yield Fabrication Method for High-T_c Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Magnetometer with Integrated Multiturn Input Coil
- Optical Constants of In_Ga_xSb Ternary Alloys : Experiment and Modeling
- Photoreflectance Spectroscopy of ZnO for Ordinary and Extraordinary Rays
- Annealing Effect on Copper Impurity Emission in ZnSe
- Phosphorus-Ion-Implantation into ZnSe Single Crystals
- Chemical Treatment Effects of Si Surfaces in NH_4OH:H_2O_2:H_2O Solutions Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Optical Dispersion Relations in Amorphous Semiconductors: Model-Dielectric-Function Approach to Amorphous GaAs
- Energy Level Study of Phosphorus-Ion-Implanted ZnSe
- Optical Constants of ZnO
- Chemical Treatment Effect of Si(111) Surfaces in NH_4F Solution Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Chemical Etching of Thermally-Grown SiO_2 Films on SiC Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Optical Constants of 6H-SiC Single Crystals
- Anomalous Enhancement of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Signal of Mn^ in N-Ion-Implanted CdS