Datura innoxiaの葯から誘導した培養組織および再分化植物における染色体構成ならびにアルカロイド組成の変異
- 論文の詳細を見る
Callus cultures derived from haploid embryoids formed in the cultured anthers of Datura innoxia and the plants regenerated from these callus tissues were examined for variations in the chromosome number and the alkaloid composition. Most of the plants regenerated from callus cultures were found to be diploid as a result of spontaneous chromosome doubling presumably occurred during subculturing. In addition to diploids, a small number of haploid as well as tetraploid plants were obtained. Although the alkaloid contents of these callus tissues were generally low, two of the cultured strains maintained relatively high contents during successive subculturings over 3 years. The average alkaloid content of the regenerated plants was similar to that of normal plants. Although in one culture strain many regenerated plants showing a higher alkaloid content (ca. 1%) were obtained, this characteristic was not transmitted to the progeny plants. Some of these regenerated plants were abnormal because they produced no detectable amount of scopolamine or hyoscyamine. Among these abnormal plants, one group contained a considerable amount of scopolines and scopines and another group contained aposcopolamine. Breeding tests showed that the abnormal traits were transmitted to some of the self-pollinated progeny plants (S_1), but the abnormal alkaloid patterns disappeared completely in the subsequent generation (S_2). These results suggest that variations in the alkaloid composition found in the plants regenerated from callus tissues are not due to genetic mutations but due to Dauermodification, considered as a temporary cytoplasmic inheritance induced in cultured cells by enviromental conditions.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1977-07-25
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