- 論文の詳細を見る
In continuation of studies on the origin of Japanese Chuanxion, inner morphology of unripe fruits of Japanese Chuanxion (Senkyu) was examined. The arrangement of vascular bundles is the same as those of Ligusticum or Tilingia and Conioselinum, the tracheids reach nearly the top of the ribs, and this is similar to that of Conioselinum. From these characters and the result of studies on the inner morphology of the fruits of 7 genera of plants related to Chuanxion (Senkyu) cultivated in Japan, the origin of the crude drug Senkyu was identified as Conioselinum genus, although Cnidium officinale MAKINO is given as its origin in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia Ed. VIII.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1974-10-25
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- タイ国材類生薬について-1-構造の特性
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