ベンゼンジアゾニウムスルファート, 第二銅イオン, チオシアン酸イオンの反応によるフェニルチオシアナートおよびフェニルイソチオシアナートの生成
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In the Sandmeyer reaction of benzenediamnium ion with thiocyanate ion in the presence of cupric ion, the yield of phenyl thiocyanate (I) increased up to 30% with the increase in the molar ratio of thiocyanate ion to cupric ion, in the pH range of 8.0-8.5,whereas that of phenyl iso-thiocyanate (II) increased up to 40% with the decrease of the molar ratio of these reactsnts in the pH range of 1.0-1.5. For the explanation of the difference in the yield of these products, relationship between the reaction of Cu^<2+> to SCN^- and the results of Sandmeyer reaction was examined. The amount of cuprous thiocyanate prpduced and the concentration of cupric thiocyanate in the solution were proportional to the yields of I and II, respectively. Accordingly, cuprous thiocyanate and cupric thiocyanate are considered to be responsible for the formation of I and II, respectively.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1975-08-25
- I-C-15 アロエの瀉下作用機序に関する研究
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