Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. II. The Constituents of Rhapis exelsa HENRY and R. humilis BL.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Further studies have been done on the constituents of the stems, underground parts and leaves of two Palmae plants, Rhapis exelsa HENRY and R. humilis BL. We isolated and identified dioscin, Pb, deltonin, methyl proto-dioscin, methyl proto-Pb and methyl proto-deltonin from the stems, dioscin, methyl proto-dioscin and methyl proto-Pb from the underground parts, and saponaretin (=isovitexin), methyl proto-dioscin, methyl proto-Pb and methyl proto-rhapissaponin from the leaves of R. exelsa. On the other hand, we isolated and identified prosapogenin A of dioscin, dioscin, deltonin, methyl proto-prosapogenin A of dioscin, methyl proto-dioscin and methyl protodeltonin from the stems, dioscin, methyl proto-prosapogenin A of dioscin, methyl proto-dioscin and methyl proto-Pb from the underground parts, and saponaretin, vitexin, isoorientin, methyl proto-prosapogenin A of dioscin, methyl proto-dioscin and methyl proto-Pb from the leaves of R. humilis. Methyl proto-rhapissaponin is a new furostanol saponin and its structure has been established to be 26-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl 22-O-methyl-25(R)-furost-5-en-3β, 22,26-triol 3-O-[β-D-glucopyranosyl(1→4)-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1→4)]-[α-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1→2)]-β-D-glucopyranoside. This is the second report of the isolation of steroidal saponins from Palmae plants, and the results are interesting from the standpoint of chemotaxonomy.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1984-10-25
伊田 喜光
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
庄司 順三
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
庄司 順三
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
庄司 順三
真田 修一
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University Hatanodai
平井 康昭
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
伊田 喜光
昭和大学 薬学部
伊田 喜光
庄司 順三
- Six New Triterpenoidal Glycosides Including Two New Sapogenols from Albizziac Cortex. V
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- Studies on the Constituents of the Bark of Kalopanax pictus NAKAI
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. III. : The Constituents of Chamaerops humilis L. and Trachycarpus wagnerianus BECC.
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. IV. Studies on the Homoisoflavonoids of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon ohwii OKUYAMA and O. jaburan (KUNTH) LODD.
- Study on Saponins of Rhizomes of Panax pseudo-ginseng subsp. himalaicus Collected at Tzatogang and Pari-la, Bhutan-Himalaya
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. II. The Constituents of Rhapis exelsa HENRY and R. humilis BL.
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. III. Studies on the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon ohwii OKUYAMA and O. jaburan (KUNTH) LODD.
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- "生薬に関する正しい認識"
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. VI. : Studies on the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Liriope spicata var. prolifera and L. muscari. (1)
- ツルニンジン(Codonopsis lanceolata TRAUTV.)の組織培養による再分化植物の育成
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. VIII. Studies on the Glycosides of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon japonicus KER-GAWLER cv. Nanus. (2)
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. VII. Studies on the Homoisoflavonoids of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon japonicus KER-GAWLER cv. Nanus. (1)
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- Pharmacological Studies of Panacis Japonici Rhizoma. II
- Pharmacological Studies of Panacis Japonici Rhizoma. I
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- Studies on the Constituents of Himalayan Ginseng, Panax pseudoginseng. I. The Structures of the Saponins. (1)
- Studies on the Constituents of Panacis Japonici Rhizoma. IV. The Structure of Chikusetsusaponin V
- Studies on the Constituents of Panacis japonici Rhizoma. III. The Structure of Chikusetsusaponin. III.
- 竹節人参の成分研究(第2報) : Chikusetsusaponin IVの構造およびAraloside Aとの関係について
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- Inhibitors of Cyclic AMP Phosphodiesterase in Panax ginseng C. A. MEYER and Panax japonicus C. A. MEYER
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. I. Studies of the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Liriope platyphylla WANG et TANG. (1)
- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. IV. On the Structures of Ophiopogonin A, B', C, C', and D'
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- 薬用人参のサポニンの定量法
- Studies on the Saponins of Ginseng. III. Structures of Ginsenoside-Rb_3 and 20-Glucoginsenoside-Rf
- Mass Spectra of Trimethylsilyl Ethers of Dammarane-Type Ginseng-Sapogenins and Their Related Compounds
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- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug "Wujiapi." I. Studies on the Aglycones of Steroidal Glycosides of Pei-wujiapi. (1)
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Chinese Drug "Wujiapi"
- Erythroskyrineの構造
- Decomposition of Usnic Acid. VI. Studies on the Ozonolytic Products of O, O-Diacetylusnic Acid.
- 8.ウスニン酸に関する二,三の知見
- Metabolic Products of Fungi. XI. Some Observation on the Occurrence of Skyrin and Rugulosin in Mold Metabolites, with a Reference to Structural Relationship between Penicilliopsin and Skyrin.
- エゾウコギの栽培研究-2-発芽と育苗について
- エゾウコギの栽培研究-1-後熟と休眠打破について-1-
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- トウキAngelica acutiloba Kitagawaの栽培に関する研究-1-芽くりの改良法について
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- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tubers. VII. Synthetic Studies of Homoisoflavonoids. (3)
- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. VI. Structures of Homoisoflavonoids. (2)
- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. V. Isolation of a Novel Class of Homoisoflavonoids and Determination of Their Structures (1)
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- Studies on the Constituents of Senegae Radix. III. The Structures of Senegin-III and -IV, Saponins from Polygala senega LINNE var. latifolia TORRY et GRAY.
- Studies on the Constituents of Senegae Radix. II. The Structure of Senegin-II, a Saponin from Polygala senega LINNE var. latifolia TORRY et GRAY
- On the Structure of Senegin-III of Senegae Radix
- On the Structure of Senegin-II of Senegae Radix
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- Studies on the Constituents of Asparagi Radix. I. On the Structures of Furostanol Oligosides of Asparagus cochinchinensis (LOUREIO) MERRILL
- The Structures of Platycodin A and C, Monoacetylated Saponins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC.
- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. III. On the Structure of Ophiopogonin D
- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. II. On the Structure of Ophiopogonin B
- 麦門冬成分の研究(第1報) : シャノヒゲ(Ophiopogon japonicus Ker-Gawler var. genuinus MAXIM.)塊茎よりステロイド配糖体の分離
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. VI. Steroid Saponins and Flavonoids of Leaves of Phoenix canariensis hort. ex CHABAUD, P. humilis ROYLE var. hanceana BECC., P. dactylifera L., and Licuala spinosa WURMB.
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. V. Steroid Sapnins and Flavonoids of Leaves of Phoenix rupicola T. ANDERSON, P. loureirii KUNTH, P. reclinate N. J. JACQUIN, and Arecastrum remanzoffianum BECCARI
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. IV. : The Constituents of the Leaves of Sabal causiarum BECC.
- Constituents of the Chinese Crude Drug "Wujiapi". IX. Structure of Glycoside H_2,a Potentiator of NGF-mediated Nerve Fiber Outgrowth
- Studies on the Constituents of Phytolaccaceous Plants. I. On the Structures of Phytolaccasaponin B, E and G from the Roots of Phytolacca americana L.
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug "Wujiapi."VVIII. On the Structures of New Oligosaccharides C_1,D_2,F_1 and F_2 of Bei-Wujiapi
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug"Wujiapi."VII. On the Structure of Glycoside E of Bei-Wujiapi
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug"Wujiapi". VI. Studies on the Aglycones of Steroidal Glycosides of Bei-Wujiapi (2)
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug"Wujiapi."V. On the Structure of Glycoside H_1 of Bei-Wujiapi
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug "Wujiapi". IV. On the Structure of a New Acetylbiose from Steroidal Glycosides of Bei-Wujiapi
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug"Wujiapi."III. On the Structure of Glycoside G and K of Bei-Wujiapi
- On the Structure of Glycoside G and K of Bei-Wujiapi
- 五加皮関連生薬の研究(第2報) : 北五加皮および関連生薬の微量化学的研究 その1
- 五加皮関連生薬の研究(第1報) : 北五加皮および関連生薬の形態学的研究 その1
- A New Acetylbiose from Steroidal Glycosides of "Pei-Wujiapi"
- Studies on the Coloration Mechanism of Furostanol Derivatives with Ehrlich Reagent. II. On the Reaction of Furostanol Glycoside with Ehrlich Reagent
- Studies on the Coloration Mechanism of Furostanol Derivatives with Ehrlich Reagent. I. On the Reaction of 3,26-Dimethoxyfurost-5,20-diene with Ehrlich Reagent
- Studies on the Constituents of Aspidistra elatior BLUME. II. On the Steroidal Glycosides of the Leaves. (1)
- Decomposition of Usnic Acid. VII. Pyrolysis of Dihydrousnic Acid. (3). Isodihydrousnic Acid.
- Studies on the Constituents of the Root of Polygala tenuifolia WILLDENOW. II. On the Structures of Onjisaponins A, B and E
- Studies on the Constituents of the Root of Polygala tenuifolia WILLDENOW. I. Isolation of Saponins and the Structures of Onjisaponins G and F
- ツルニンジン(Codonopsis lanceolata TRAUTV.)の組織培養による再分化植物の育成
- ウマノスズクサ科植物の研究(第1報) : Aristolochia Griffithii HOOK f. et THOMSよりアリストロキア酸の分離
- エゾウコギの栽培研究(第II報) : 発芽と育苗について
- トウキAngelica acutiloba KITAGAWAの栽培に関する研究(第2報) : 芽くり苗の大きさが生育に及ぼす影響
- トウキAngelica acutiloba KITAGAWAの栽培に関する研究(第1報) : 芽くりの改良法について
- 薬用人参の研究(日本生薬学会設立50周年記念)
- サポニン