エゾウコギの栽培研究(第II報) : 発芽と育苗について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of aeration and seed weight on the after-ripening and dormancy breaking of Eleutherococcus senticosus MAXIM, were examined. The effect of planting density in nursery bed on the shoot character was also studied. The results may be summarised as follows. (1) After-ripening and dormancy breaking were improved by aeration. (2) The seeds of above 800 mg per 100 seeds gave better after-ripening than those of below 800 mg per 100 seeds. (3) The seedlings grown at a density of 100 seedlings per 1 m^2 nursery bed planting plot had the heighest values in the number of leaves, the leaf size and the dry weights of leaves, stem and root. (4) The leaf area index (LAI) of the shoots in nursery bed increased until September, but it showed a decrease after September. The effect of planting density on LAI was observed only during the early stage of growth and not in the later stage of growth. (5) The net asimilation rate (NAR) decreased as the seedling grew. But the value was the highest in plants grown at 100 seedling per 1 m2 nursery bed planting plot except dury fist and the last stage of growth. (6) The dry weight of shoots per nursery bed was the highest when planted at a density of 200 seedlings per 1 m^2 nursery bed planting plot. (7) After transplantation at field, a rate of 100 seedling per 1 m^2 nursery bed planting plot gave the best growth and development. (8) The roots of plants cultivated at various conditions gave about the same amount of 50% EtOH extract of roots.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1994-03-20
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- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. III. Studies on the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon ohwii OKUYAMA and O. jaburan (KUNTH) LODD.
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- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. II. Studies on the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon planiscapus NAKAI. (1)
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- 8.ウスニン酸に関する二,三の知見
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- エゾウコギの栽培研究-1-後熟と休眠打破について-1-
- 桃仁の成分研究-1-
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- サポニン
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