Solanum khasianum CLARKE var. Chatterjeeanum SENGUPTAの栽培に関する研究(第1報) : 苗床における栽植密度が定植後の地上部諸形質におよぼす影響
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The experiment was carried out in order to investigate the effect of different planting density (dense: 6×6 cm, control: 8×8 cm, sparse: 10×10 cm) in nursery bed on the shoot characters after planting of Solanum khasianum CLAKE var. chatter jeeanum SENGUPTA in the same conditions; the results were as follows. (1) Opitmum planting density at nursery bed of the plant is not less than 10×10 cm. (2) The dry weight of the whole plant, leaf area, and dry weight of fruits per plant after planting was greatest in the sparse planting plot. (3) The number of fruits per plant was more important as the yield component of fruit per plant than the weight of the one fruit. (4) Contents of total alkaloids in fruits were about 5.5% in all the plots.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1976-06-20
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- Solanum khasianum CLARKE var. Chatterjeeanum SENGUPTAの栽培に関する研究(第1報) : 苗床における栽植密度が定植後の地上部諸形質におよぼす影響
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