Six New Triterpenoidal Glycosides Including Two New Sapogenols from Albizziac Cortex. V
84 沖縄産Theonella属の海綿より単離した新規環状ペプチドの構造(口頭発表の部)
生薬エキスの生体影響に関する毒性学的研究 : 芍薬, 桃仁, 当帰および川〓
Alanysis of Saponins of Wild Panax gineseng
Studies on the Constituents of the Bark of Kalopanax pictus NAKAI
Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. III. : The Constituents of Chamaerops humilis L. and Trachycarpus wagnerianus BECC.
Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. IV. Studies on the Homoisoflavonoids of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon ohwii OKUYAMA and O. jaburan (KUNTH) LODD.
Study on Saponins of Rhizomes of Panax pseudo-ginseng subsp. himalaicus Collected at Tzatogang and Pari-la, Bhutan-Himalaya
Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. II. The Constituents of Rhapis exelsa HENRY and R. humilis BL.
Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. III. Studies on the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon ohwii OKUYAMA and O. jaburan (KUNTH) LODD.
Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. I. The Constituents of Trachycarpus fortunei (HOOK.) H. WENDL. (1)
Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. II. Studies on the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon planiscapus NAKAI. (1)
Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. VIII. Studies on the Glycosides of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon japonicus KER-GAWLER cv. Nanus. (2)
Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. VII. Studies on the Homoisoflavonoids of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon japonicus KER-GAWLER cv. Nanus. (1)
Potentiation of Nerve Growth Factor-Mediated Nerve Fiber Production in Organ Cultures of Chicken Embryonic Ganglia by Ginseng Saponins : Structure-Activity Relationship
Inhibitors of Cyclic AMP Phosphodiesterase in Panax ginseng C. A. MEYER and Panax japonicus C. A. MEYER
Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. I. Studies of the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Liriope platyphylla WANG et TANG. (1)
Studies on the Constituents of Aspidistra elatior BLUME. I. On the Steroids of the Underground Part
Studies on the Saponins of Ginseng. IV. On the Structure and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Ginsenoside-Ra_1
Effect of Ginseng Saponins on Cholesterol Metabolism. III. Effect of Ginsenoside-Rb_1 on Cholesterol Synthesis in Rats fed on High-fat Diet
Saponins of Zu-Tziseng, Rhizomes of Panax japonicus C.A. MEYER var. major (BURK.) C.Y. Wu et K.M. FENG, collected in Yunnan, China
Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. VI. Structures of Homoisoflavonoids. (2)
Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. V. Isolation of a Novel Class of Homoisoflavonoids and Determination of Their Structures (1)
Inhibitors of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Phosphodiesterase in Polygala tenuifolid
Constituents of the Chinese Crude Drug "Wujiapi". IX. Structure of Glycoside H_2,a Potentiator of NGF-mediated Nerve Fiber Outgrowth
Studies on the Constituents of the Root of Polygala tenuifolia WILLDENOW. II. On the Structures of Onjisaponins A, B and E
Studies on the Constituents of the Root of Polygala tenuifolia WILLDENOW. I. Isolation of Saponins and the Structures of Onjisaponins G and F
ツルニンジン(Codonopsis lanceolata TRAUTV.)の組織培養による再分化植物の育成
エゾウコギの栽培研究(第II報) : 発芽と育苗について
トウキAngelica acutiloba KITAGAWAの栽培に関する研究(第2報) : 芽くり苗の大きさが生育に及ぼす影響
トウキAngelica acutiloba KITAGAWAの栽培に関する研究(第1報) : 芽くりの改良法について
生薬学の過去, 現在, 将来(生薬学の現状と将来)
エゾウコギの栽培研究(第I報) : 後熟と休眠打破について(その1)