Studies on the Coloration Mechanism of Furostanol Derivatives with Ehrlich Reagent. I. On the Reaction of 3,26-Dimethoxyfurost-5,20-diene with Ehrlich Reagent
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From the reddish reaction mixture of 3,26-dimethoxy-furost-5,20-diene (ψ-diosgenin dimethyl ether, 2) with Ehrlich reagent, a colorless condensation product was isolated and characterized as 3,26-dimethoxy-23-(p-dimethylaminobenzylidenyl)-furost-5,20-diene (3). However, a coexisting red product could not be isolated because of its instability. On treatment with dried hydrogen chloride or conc. hydrochloric acid, the colorless chloroform solution of 3 readily changed into a reddish solution, which was reversibly decolorized on addition of 3% ammonia-chloroform solution. Based on ultraviolet and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectral analysis, the coloration mechanism of 2 with Ehrlich reagent has been inferred to be as follows. The reaction is initiated by condensation between p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde and 2 to form 3,followed by protonation to form an iminium cation (3B) under acidic conditions.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1984-06-25
庄司 順三
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
庄司 順三
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
小西 天二
清沢 脩
Kyoto College of Pharmacy
小西 天二
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
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