庄司 順三 | School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
庄司 順三
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
庄司 順三
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
真田 修一
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University Hatanodai
庄司 順三
佐久間 聖一
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
川西 幸子
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
伊田 喜光
昭和大学 薬学部
伊田 喜光
伊田 喜光
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
平井 康昭
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
多田 晶寛
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
笠井 良次
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima University, School of Medicine
田中 治
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima University, School of Medicine
近藤 紀子
Department Of Pharmacognosy School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
多田 晶寛
School of Pharmaceutical Scineces, Showa University
柴田 承二
Meiji College of Pharmacy
田中 治
Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
渡辺 好章
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
柴田 承二
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo
笠井 良次
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
柴田 承二
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo
小西 天二
東 悳彦
Department Of Biochemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
清沢 脩
Kyoto College of Pharmacy
柴田 泰生
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
柴田 泰生
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
近藤 紀子
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
小西 天二
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
小西 天二
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
川西 幸子
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
小西 天二
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University:(present Address)kyoto College Of Pharmacy
笠井 良次
東 悳彦
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
柴田 承二
Shibata Laboratory Of Natural Medicinal Materials C
柴田 承二
柴田 承二
斎藤 保
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Teikyo University
三川 潮
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo
田中 治
Pharmaceutical Institute, Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo
布 万里子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University
香月 茂樹
Medical Plant Garden, School of Pharmaveutical Sciences, Kitasato University
庄司 順三
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
三川 潮
Faculty Of Pharmaceuical Sciences The University Of Tokyo
村山 哲也
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
浅野 貴之
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
斎藤 保
(Present address)Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University
築谷 康柾
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
築谷 康柾
Iyakushigen Institute for Medical Research Koganei-shi
鈴木 幸子
Division Of Toxicology National Institute Of Health Sciences
宮腰 正純
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
上山 敬司
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo
金城 順英
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
荒木 薫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
福井 桂
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
樋口 弘幸
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
池田 剛
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
野原 稔弘
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University
竹本 哲教
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
田中 悟
National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences
齋藤 洋
Department Of Chemical Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The University Of Tokyo
高橋 惇
Division Of Xenobiotic Metabolism And Disposition National Institute Of Health Sciences
義平 邦利
National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences
斉藤 洋
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo
神田 博史
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima University, School of Medicine
日合 奨
鈴木 幸子
内藤 克司
斉藤 実
田中 悟
高橋 惇
小野田 欽一
川島 邦夫
中浦 槇介
長尾 重之
遠藤 任彦
大野 泰雄
川西 徹
高仲 正
粕谷 豊
義平 邦利
福岡 正道
関田 節子
鈴木 英世
原田 正敏
名取 信策
中路 幸男
小林 和雄
内田 雄幸
安原 加寿雄
石井 美民
戸部 満寿夫
正山 征洋
田中 治
野原 稔弘
金城 順英
金城 順英
熊本大学 医薬
大浦 彦吉
Research Institute for Wakan-Yaku, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
川島 邦夫
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
高仲 正
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
大本 太一
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toho University
糸川 秀治
Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
大野 泰雄
徐 国鈞
China Pharmaceutical University
佐竹 元吉
佐竹 元吉
佐竹 元吉
National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS)
後藤 勝実
泉 宏昌
Medicinal Plant Garden of Tokyo College of Pharmacy
布 万里子
Medicinal Plant Garde, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University
磯田 進
Medicinal Plant Garden of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
後藤 勝実
Garden of Medicinal Plants, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
香月 茂樹
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences, Tanegashima Medicinal Plant Research Station
泉 宏昌
Tokyo College of Pharmacy
山口 啓之
Central Research Laboratories, Wakunaga Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
松浦 広道
Central Research Laboratories, Wakunaga Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
磯田 進
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
名取 信策
二階堂 保
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toho University
後藤 勝実
後藤 勝実
廣野 里美
青木 恭子
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
正山 征洋
鈴木 英世
日合 奨
Research Institute for Wakan-Yaku(Traditional Sino-Japanese Medicines), Toyama Medical and Pharmaceu
池原 政博
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
飯島 道子
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
野原 稔弘
権守 小貴
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
野崎 とも子
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
榊原 小貴
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
野原 稔弘
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
粕谷 豊
野原 稔弘
熊本大 大学院 医学薬学研究部
竹本 裕美
Institute For Medical And Dental Engineering Tokyo Medical And Dental University
糸川 秀治
東京薬科大学 薬学部
鳴海 洋子
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
名取 信策
National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences:(present Address)meiji College Of Pharmacy
佐藤 陽子
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
勝又 真澄
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
長竿 美樹
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
佐野 和珠子
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University, Hatanodai
川西 徹
金城 順英
熊本大学 薬
竹谷 孝一
Tokyo College of Pharmacy
平井 康昭
磯田 進
平井 康昭
内田 雄幸
余 伯阻
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
斉藤 洋
Department Of Chemical Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The University Of Tokyo
淺野 貴之
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
余 伯阻
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
齋藤 洋
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo
堀尾 修平
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokushima
矢原 正治
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima University School of Medicine
林 宗旦
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
丸本 靖子
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
小川 治美
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
金岩 孝夫
池田 剛
神田 博史
Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
神田 博史
横山 弘臣
Research Institute for WAKAN-YAKU, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
眞田 修一
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
川島 祐次
Central Research Laboratories, Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
福岡 正道
National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
小泉 治代
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
東 恵彦
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
野崎 とも子
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
渡辺 和昭
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
関田 節子
National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences
矢原 正治
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyushu University 62
渡辺 謹三
Tokyo College of Pharmacy
徐 俊平
Tokyo College of Pharmacy
二階堂 保
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toho University
大本 太一
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toho University
斎藤 保
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University
磯田 進
Medicinal Plant Garden Of School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
浅見 明俊
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
権守 小貴
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University:(present Address)department Of Biochemistry Schoo
長竿 美樹
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
榊原 小貴
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
勝又 真澄
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
香月 茂樹
National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences Tanegashima Medicinal Plant Research Station
飯島 道子
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
原田 正敏
Division Of Pharmacognosy And Phytochemistry National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences
小川 治美
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
堀尾 修平
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokushima
内田 雄幸
布 万里子
Medicinal Plant Garde Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Teikyo University
清沢 修
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
二階堂 保
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toho University
内藤 克司
小泉 治代
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Showa University
森田 俊信
Central Research Laboratories Wakunaga Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
川島 祐次
Central Research Laboratories Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
山口 啓之
Central Research Laboratories Wakunaga Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
樋口 弘幸
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
金城 順英
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Fukuoka University
- Six New Triterpenoidal Glycosides Including Two New Sapogenols from Albizziac Cortex. V
- 生薬エキスの生体影響に関する毒性学的研究 : 芍薬, 桃仁, 当帰および川〓
- Alanysis of Saponins of Wild Panax gineseng
- Effect of Ginseng Saponins on Cholesterol Metabolism. II. Effect of Ginsenosides on Cholesterol Synthesis by Liver Slice
- Stimulation of Serum Protein Synthesis in Ginsenoside Treated Rat
- Effect of Ginseng Saponins on Nuclear Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Metabolism. I. RNA Synthesis in Rats treated with Ginsenosides
- Effect of Ginseng Saponins on Cholesterol Metabolism. I. The Level and the Synthesis of Serum and Liver Cholesterol in Rats treated with Ginsenosides
- Studies on the Constituents of the Bark of Kalopanax pictus NAKAI
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. III. : The Constituents of Chamaerops humilis L. and Trachycarpus wagnerianus BECC.
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. IV. Studies on the Homoisoflavonoids of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon ohwii OKUYAMA and O. jaburan (KUNTH) LODD.
- Study on Saponins of Rhizomes of Panax pseudo-ginseng subsp. himalaicus Collected at Tzatogang and Pari-la, Bhutan-Himalaya
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. II. The Constituents of Rhapis exelsa HENRY and R. humilis BL.
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. III. Studies on the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon ohwii OKUYAMA and O. jaburan (KUNTH) LODD.
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. I. The Constituents of Trachycarpus fortunei (HOOK.) H. WENDL. (1)
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. II. Studies on the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon planiscapus NAKAI. (1)
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. VI. : Studies on the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Liriope spicata var. prolifera and L. muscari. (1)
- ツルニンジン(Codonopsis lanceolata TRAUTV.)の組織培養による再分化植物の育成
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. VIII. Studies on the Glycosides of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon japonicus KER-GAWLER cv. Nanus. (2)
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. VII. Studies on the Homoisoflavonoids of the Subterranean Part of Ophiopogon japonicus KER-GAWLER cv. Nanus. (1)
- Potentiation of Nerve Growth Factor-Mediated Nerve Fiber Production in Organ Cultures of Chicken Embryonic Ganglia by Ginseng Saponins : Structure-Activity Relationship
- Studies on the Constituents of Panacis Japonici Rhizoma. V. The Structures of Chikusetsusaponin I, Ia, Ib, IVa and Glycoside P_1
- Studies on the Constituents of Himalayan Ginseng, Panax pseudoginseng. II. The Structures of the Saponins (2)
- Studies on the Saponins of Ginseng. II. Structures of Ginsenoside-Re, -Rf and -Rg_2
- Studies on the Saponins of Ginseng. I. Structures of Ginsenoside-Ro, -Rb_1,-Rb_2,-Rc and -Rd
- Studies on the Constituents of Himalayan Ginseng, Panax pseudoginseng. I. The Structures of the Saponins. (1)
- Studies on the Constituents of Panacis Japonici Rhizoma. IV. The Structure of Chikusetsusaponin V
- Studies on the Constituents of Panacis japonici Rhizoma. III. The Structure of Chikusetsusaponin. III.
- Inhibitors of Cyclic AMP Phosphodiesterase in Panax ginseng C. A. MEYER and Panax japonicus C. A. MEYER
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber and Its Congeners. I. Studies of the Constituents of the Subterranean Part of Liriope platyphylla WANG et TANG. (1)
- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. IV. On the Structures of Ophiopogonin A, B', C, C', and D'
- Studies on the Saponins of the Root of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DE CANDOLLE. I. Isolation and the Structure of Platycodin-D
- Studies on the Constituents of Aspidistra elatior BLUME. I. On the Steroids of the Underground Part
- Studies on the Saponins of Ginseng. IV. On the Structure and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Ginsenoside-Ra_1
- Effect of Ginseng Saponins on Cholesterol Metabolism. III. Effect of Ginsenoside-Rb_1 on Cholesterol Synthesis in Rats fed on High-fat Diet
- Studies on the Saponins of Ginseng. III. Structures of Ginsenoside-Rb_3 and 20-Glucoginsenoside-Rf
- Mass Spectra of Trimethylsilyl Ethers of Dammarane-Type Ginseng-Sapogenins and Their Related Compounds
- Comparative Studies on the Constituents of a Parasitic Plant and Its Host. III. On the Constituents of Boschniakia rossica FEDTSCH. et FLEROV.(2)(Pharmacognosy,Chemical)
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug "Wujiapi." I. Studies on the Aglycones of Steroidal Glycosides of Pei-wujiapi. (1)
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Chinese Drug "Wujiapi"
- エゾウコギの栽培研究-2-発芽と育苗について
- エゾウコギの栽培研究-1-後熟と休眠打破について-1-
- トウキAngelica acutiloba Kitagawaの栽培に関する研究-2-芽くり苗の大きさが生育に及ぼす影響
- トウキAngelica acutiloba Kitagawaの栽培に関する研究-1-芽くりの改良法について
- Studies on Chemical Constituents of Antitumor Fraction from Periploca sepium. II. : Structures of New Pregnane Glycosides, Periplocosides A, B and C
- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tubers. VII. Synthetic Studies of Homoisoflavonoids. (3)
- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. VI. Structures of Homoisoflavonoids. (2)
- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. V. Isolation of a Novel Class of Homoisoflavonoids and Determination of Their Structures (1)
- Inhibitors of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Phosphodiesterase in Polygala tenuifolid
- Studies on the Constituents of Senegae Radix. III. The Structures of Senegin-III and -IV, Saponins from Polygala senega LINNE var. latifolia TORRY et GRAY.
- Studies on the Constituents of Senegae Radix. II. The Structure of Senegin-II, a Saponin from Polygala senega LINNE var. latifolia TORRY et GRAY
- On the Structure of Senegin-III of Senegae Radix
- On the Structure of Senegin-II of Senegae Radix
- Studies on the Constituents of Boschniakia rossica FEDTSCH. et FLEROV. I. Isolation and Structures of New Phenylpropanoid Glycosides, Rossicasides B, C and D
- Studies on the Constituents of Asparagi Radix. I. On the Structures of Furostanol Oligosides of Asparagus cochinchinensis (LOUREIO) MERRILL
- The Structures of Platycodin A and C, Monoacetylated Saponins of the Roots of Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC.
- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. III. On the Structure of Ophiopogonin D
- Studies on the Constituents of Ophiopogonis Tuber. II. On the Structure of Ophiopogonin B
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. VI. Steroid Saponins and Flavonoids of Leaves of Phoenix canariensis hort. ex CHABAUD, P. humilis ROYLE var. hanceana BECC., P. dactylifera L., and Licuala spinosa WURMB.
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. V. Steroid Sapnins and Flavonoids of Leaves of Phoenix rupicola T. ANDERSON, P. loureirii KUNTH, P. reclinate N. J. JACQUIN, and Arecastrum remanzoffianum BECCARI
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. IV. : The Constituents of the Leaves of Sabal causiarum BECC.
- Constituents of the Chinese Crude Drug "Wujiapi". IX. Structure of Glycoside H_2,a Potentiator of NGF-mediated Nerve Fiber Outgrowth
- Studies on the Constituents of Phytolaccaceous Plants. I. On the Structures of Phytolaccasaponin B, E and G from the Roots of Phytolacca americana L.
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug "Wujiapi."VVIII. On the Structures of New Oligosaccharides C_1,D_2,F_1 and F_2 of Bei-Wujiapi
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug"Wujiapi."VII. On the Structure of Glycoside E of Bei-Wujiapi
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug"Wujiapi". VI. Studies on the Aglycones of Steroidal Glycosides of Bei-Wujiapi (2)
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug"Wujiapi."V. On the Structure of Glycoside H_1 of Bei-Wujiapi
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug "Wujiapi". IV. On the Structure of a New Acetylbiose from Steroidal Glycosides of Bei-Wujiapi
- Constituents of Chinese Crude Drug"Wujiapi."III. On the Structure of Glycoside G and K of Bei-Wujiapi
- On the Structure of Glycoside G and K of Bei-Wujiapi
- A New Acetylbiose from Steroidal Glycosides of "Pei-Wujiapi"
- Studies on the Coloration Mechanism of Furostanol Derivatives with Ehrlich Reagent. II. On the Reaction of Furostanol Glycoside with Ehrlich Reagent
- Studies on the Coloration Mechanism of Furostanol Derivatives with Ehrlich Reagent. I. On the Reaction of 3,26-Dimethoxyfurost-5,20-diene with Ehrlich Reagent
- Studies on the Constituents of Aspidistra elatior BLUME. II. On the Steroidal Glycosides of the Leaves. (1)
- Decomposition of Usnic Acid. VII. Pyrolysis of Dihydrousnic Acid. (3). Isodihydrousnic Acid.
- Studies on the Constituents of the Root of Polygala tenuifolia WILLDENOW. II. On the Structures of Onjisaponins A, B and E
- Studies on the Constituents of the Root of Polygala tenuifolia WILLDENOW. I. Isolation of Saponins and the Structures of Onjisaponins G and F