醤油の官能検査法に関する研究 : (第4報)成分調和に関する統計的研究
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This study has been carried out as a part of statistical research for standardization of the sensory evaluation method on soy sauce.This report attempts to give a mathematical explication on the interrelation between chemical analysis and quality evaluation by the senses (i.e. preference), namely the harmony of chemical factors (compositions).Both chemical and sensory factors express correlatively the quality of soy sauce. Therefore, difference in quality between samples can be described in full by several principal factors of soy sause. In order to find these principal factors. The Principal Component Analysis technique was applied to experimental data, obtained by chemical analysis and sensory evaluation of 30 samples.The results obtained were as follows : 1. The first principal factor (Z_<1α>) relates to "Preference".2. The second (Z_<2α>) relates to "Size of Contents".3. The third (Z_<3α>) relates to "Glutamic Acid".4. The fourth (Z_<4α>) relates to "Organic Acid".5. The fifth (Z_<5α>) relates to "Additives".These fine factors contribute to the quality of soy sauce at 88.9%, and every factor from Z_<2α> till Z_<5α> relates to its chemical components. So the measure of harmony of the chemical components can be expressed by the following equation : H_α=√<Σ^^5>__<i-2>(Z_<iα>/√<λ_>i-Z_i)^2,λ_i is Eigen value and Z_<i-> is the best component score.Relation between Preference (Z_<1α>) and Harmony of chemical factors (H_α) was of significance of a 1% level by the regression analysis, which is expressed by the following model : Z_<1α>=A×H_α+B (A, B : Constant)Harmonious condition of chemical factors is one of the most important factors to make soy sauce of highly preferable quality.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1968-01-25
斎藤 伸生
田中 輝男
横塚 保
斉藤 伸生
キッコーマン醤油株式会社 中央研究所
斎藤 伸生
キッコーマン醤油株式会社, 中央研究所
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