醤油の官能検査法に関する研究 : (第7報) 醤油のブレンド効果について
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This paper reports mathematical investigations into the effect of blending on the preference of soy sauce and the corelation among three componenets (X_1,X_2,X_3). The authors considered the cubic polynomial equation and the optimum blending ratio by means of three component systems (X_1+X_2+X_3=1).The results obtained were as follows : (1) The cubic polynomial equation for preference of odor : Y(odor)=1.000X_1+0.881X_2+0.727X_3-0.617X_1X_2+1.517X_1X_3+1.872X_2X_3+0.090X_1X_2(X_1-X_2)-1.215X_1X_3(X_1-X_3)+0.315X_2X_3(X_2-X_3)+3.879X_1X_2X_3 The binary synergism between X_1 and X_3,the binary synergism between X_2 and X_3,and the ternary synergism among these three componets were significantly recognized. The optimum blending ratio for preference of odor was X_1 : 25%. X_2 : 30%, X_3 : 45%. (2) The cubic polynomial equation for preference of taste : Y(taste)=0.906X_1+0.705X_2+0.577X_3-0.565X_1X_2+0.140X_1X_3+1.347X_2_X_3+1.667X_1X_2(X_1-X_2)-1.706X_1X_3(X_1-X_3)-0.146X_2_X_3(X_2-X_3)+8.361X_1X_2X_3 The binary synegism between X_2 and X_3,and the ternary syntergism among the three components were recognized significantly. The optimum blending ratio for preference of taste was X_1 : 20%, X_2 : 30%, X_ 3 : 50%. (3) The cubic polynomial equation for integrative preference : Y=0.962X_1+0.830X_2+0.655X_3-0.614X_1X_2+1.022X_1X_3+1.870X_2X_3+1.492X_1X_2(X_1-X_2)-1.427X_1X_3(X_1-X_3)+0.335X_2X_3(X_2-X_3)+8.487X_1X_2X_3 The binary synergism between X_1 and X_3,the binary synergism between X_2 and X_3,and the ternary synergism among the three components were significanly recognized. Especially, the component X_3 had the lowest contribution of the three to the preference. However, when X_3 was blended with the other components, the effect of this blend was significantly recognized. The optimum blending ratio for integrative preference was X_1 : 30%, X_2 : 30%, X_3 : 40%. (4) This report discussed only from qualitative point of view, but this blending problem should be discussed from quality, cost, delivery, manufacturing capacity etc. as a whole, for the product planning or equipment planning.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1969-04-25
斎藤 伸生
田中 輝男
中島 隆
横塚 保
斉藤 伸生
キッコーマン醤油株式会社 中央研究所
斎藤 伸生
キッコーマン醤油株式会社, 中央研究所
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