醤油の〓に関する研究 : (第1報) 醤油の二次〓発生に及ぼす因子について
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Bottled shoyu in the market sometimes becomes turbid and soon a floculent sediment is observed when it is kept at room temperature or higher and these turbidity and sediment extremely deterirate the commercial value of the product.This kind of sediment is defined here as"secondary sediment"of shoyu.The shoyu in the market is usually bottled after heating the filtrate of fermented shoyu mash or its mixture wiht a chemical hydrolyzate of vegetable proteins, and then removing by filtration or sedimentation the sediment produced by heating.A simple method was devised for estimation of the secondary sediment of shoyu. 20ml of shoyu was transferred into a 25ml test tube by a pipet and kept at 30℃ or higher, and the time required for the flocculation of shoyu was observed at regular intervals.Factors influencing the formation of secondary sediment of shoyu ware investigated using the above method.When raw shoyu was heated at 50℃ or higher, the secondary sediment appeared in the final product. The heat-processed shoyu at 70℃ produced the secondary sediment in a degree much less than that heated at 60°or 80℃.When heated and clarified shoyu was kept over 30℃, the time required for the sediment formation was markedly shortened when stored at an elevated temperature. But the secondary sediment was hardly formed below 30℃, especially below 5℃.The secondary sediment of shoyu was more easily formed as the total nitrogen content of brewed shoyu becomes higher, but its formation was inversely proportional to the concentration of acid hydrolyzate of defatted soy beans or wheat gluten added to shoyu.A high concentration of NaCl inhibited the separation of the precipitate. The sediment was formed most easily when raw shoyu with the pH at 4.6-4.7 was heated, but in heat-processed shoyu, the time required for the sediment formation was shorter with a lower pH than with a higher pH. Fermented shoyu made form whole soy beans and wheat more easily formed the secondary sediment than that made form defatted soy beans and wheat. Concerning the fermentation period of shoyu mash, the formation of the secondary sediment of shoyu seems to become constant after a 3 months period of fermentation.
- 公益社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1970-08-25
橋本 彦堯
横塚 保
吉田 広務
橋本 彦堯
キッコーマン醤油株式会社 中央研究所
橋本 彦堯
橋本 彦堯
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