匂米の研究 (第1報) : 匂米の成分組成について
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Using the Niogome and the common rice produced in Miyagi and Akita Prefectures, the chemical composition and water soluble constituents were analyzed and the paper partition chromatography of sugars was performed.There was no great difference in the composition between the Nioigome and the common rice harvested in the same farm, but the amounts of crude protein, water soluble sugars and vitamin B_1 in the Nioigome were more than those of the common rice and the amount of starch in the Nioigome was less than that of the common rice.On the paper chromatogram of the sugars of the Nioigome and the common rice, seven spots corresponding to glucose, fructose, sucrose, raffinose, maltose, maltotriose and maltotetrose were detected. Moreover, four higher oligosaccharides were detected in water extract of rice.Paper chromatography showed that new rice and one year stored rice gave the same sugar pattern, but on the paper chromatogram, maltose spot in the new rice was less conspicuous than that of one year stored rice.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1957-01-15
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