Iron Absorption in Rats Increased by Yeast Glucan(Food & Nutrition Sience)
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The effects of brewer's yeast cell walls and two of its components, glucan and mannan, on the absorption of ^<59>Fe by anemic rats were investigated. After administration of the label, the percentage of ^<59>Fe taken up into the blood of group given glucan was generally similar to that of a group given yeast cell walls, both values were higher than in controls. The incorporation of ^<59>Fe into the small intestines was higher in the group given glucan than in the controls or a group given a glucan-mannan mixture. Glucan is the main substance in yeast cell walls that increases iron absorption.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2002-08-23
KIMURA Shuichi
Graduate School of Human Life Science, Showa Womens University
Department of Food and Nutrition, Japan Women’s University
Chuyen Nguyen
Dep. Of Food And Nutrition Japan Women's Univ.
Chuyen N
Department Of Food Science Japan Women's University
Chuyen Nguyen
Department Of Food And Nutrition Japan Women's University
Enomoto Shuichi
Radioisotope Technology Division Cyclotron Center Riken(the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Resea
Enomoto Shuichi
Enomoto Shuichi
Radioisotope Technology Division Cyclotron Center Riken
Department of Food and Nutrition, Japan Women's University
Graduate School of Human Life Sciences, Showa Women's University
Radioisotope Technology Division, Cyclotron Center, RIKEN
Asahi Breweries, Ltd.
YASUE Masaaki
Asahi Breweries, Ltd.
Tochigi Research Laboratories of Kao Corporation
Igarashi Kaori
Graduate School Of Human Life Sciences Showa Women's University
Igarashi K
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Bioengineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka City Univers
Yasue Masaaki
Asahi Breweries Ltd.
Hirunuma Rieko
Hirunuma Rieko
Radioisotope Technology Division Cyclotron Center Riken
Takasaki Satoko
Asahi Breweries Ltd.
Kimura Shuichi
Graduate School Of Human Life Science Showa Women's University
Mai Ta
Department of Food and Nutrition, Japan Women's University
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
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