The Relationship Between Radiosensitizing Effect of P13-K Inhibitor Wortmannin and p53 status in Human Tumor Cell Line
Nara Med. Univ.
稲田 哲雄
INADA Tetsuo
Ibaraki Prefectural Univ. Dept. Radiological Sci.
INADA Tetsuo
Department of Radiological Sciences, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences
Inada T
Department Of Radiological Sciences Ibaraki Prefectural University Of Health Sciences
Inada Tetsuo
Department Of Radiological Sciences Ibaraki Prefectural University Of Health Sciences
Ibaraki Prefectural Univ. of Health Sci.
OKADA Shinobu
Ibaraki Prefectural Univ. of Health Sci.
Kubata Nobuo
Ibaraki Prefectural Univ. Of Health Sci.
Kubota Nobuo
北海道大学 獣医学研究院放射線学教室
Kubota Nobuo
Pola Chemical Industries Inc.
Okada Shinobu
Okada Shinobu
Department Of Radiological Sciences Ibaraki Prefectural University Of Health Sciences
Nara Medical Univ.
Inada Tetsuo
The Particle Radiation Medical Science Center University Of Tsukuba
Inada Tetsuo
Ibaraki Prefectural Univ. Dept. Radilogical Sci.
Kubota Nobuo
Department Of Radiological Sciences. Ibaraki Prefectural University Of Health Sciences
Ohnishi Ken
Dept. Biology Nara Med. Univ.
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