Radiosensitivity of Hypoxic HeLa S_3 Cells In Vitro
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The HeLa S_3 cells were placed in the hypoxic condition by repeating the evacuation-and-N_2-flushing step in a small irradiation box. The oxygen concentration in the culture medium was, then, estimated at every step of the gas exchange process and was reduced to as low as 7.0μ moles litre^<-1> (about 5,300 volume or 0.225 weight ppm) within 30 minutes. The dose survival curves under various hypoxic conditions showedthat, with increasing the degree of hypoxia, the Do was increased and the extrapolation number (n) was reduced. Production of an extreme hypoxia or anoxia seems to be one of the difficulties in the attached form of cultured mammalian cells. An application of evacuation for the hypoxic treatment of cells is more effective than those simple methods of N_2-flushing. In the study on the effects of oxygen to such type of cells, the measurernent of oxygen tention at the nearest proximity of cells will be more important than that in effluent gasses.
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