The cellular content of p53 protein in rat skin after travelling to space
Nara Med. Univ.
小野 公二
Matsumoto Hideki
Division Of Oncology Biomedical Imaging Research Center University Of Fukui
Nara Med. Univ.
Nara Medical University
OHIRA Yoshinobu
National Institute of Fitness and Sports
Nagaoka Shunji
National Space Development Agency of Japan
INOUE Nobuaki
Nara Med. Univ. , Dept. of Biol.
OMATSU Tokunori
Nara Med. Univ. , Dept. of Biol.
Inoue Nobuaki
Nara Med. Univ. Dept. Of Biol.
Nagaoka S
Fujita Health Univ. School Of Health Sci. Aichi Jpn
Nagaoka S
Department Of Physiology Fujita Health University School Of Health Sciences
Matsumoto Hideki
Nara Med. Univ. Dept. Of Biol.
Ohira Yoshinobu
National Institute Of Fitness And Sports Dept. Of Physiol. And Biomech.
Majima Hideyuki
Departments Of Experimental Radiology And Health Physics
Matsumoto Hideki
Nara Med. Univ.
Omatsu Tokunori
Nara Med. Univ. Dept. Of Biol.
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