Effect of Heavy Ion Beams from Cyclotron (TIARA) and Synchrotron (HIMAC) on Escherichia coil DNA Repair Deficient Mutants
Nara Med. Univ.
Akashi Makoto
Division Of Radiation Health
Hachiya Misao
Imamura Masahiro
Department Of Radiology
Health Research Foundation
OBIYA Yurino
PL Gakuen Women's Junior College
AKAGI Kiyoshi
Dep. of Radiol. Kansai Medical Univ.
TANAKA Yoshimasa
Dep. of Radiol. Kansai Medical Univ.
JAERI- Takasaki
IMAMURA Masahiro
Kansai Medical Univ.
PL Gakuen Women's Jr. College.
Kyoto Univ.
AKAGI Kiyoshi
Kansai Medical Univ.
TANAKA Yoshimasa
Kansai Medical Univ.
Obiya Yurino
Pl Gakuen Women's Junior College
Harada Kazuki
Pl Gakuen Women's Jr. College
Tanaka Yoshimasa
Kansai Med. Univ. Department Of Radiology
Tanaka Yoshimasa
Kansai Med. Univ.
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