Inhibition in a microgravity environment of the recovery of Escherichia coli cells damaged by heavy ion beams during the NASDA ISS Phase I Program of NASA Shuttle/Mir Mission No. 6
Department of Biology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University
Tohda Michihisa
Ohnishi Ken
Department Of Biology Nara Medical University
Watanabe Hirofumi
Cold Trapped Ions Project Icorp Jst
IMAMURA Masahiro
Department of Hematology and Oncology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
Akashi Makoto
Division Of Radiation Health
Imamura Masahiro
Department Of Radiology
Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University
Health Res. Fond.
Health Research Foundation
PL Gakuen Women's Junior College
OBIYA Yurino
PL Gakuen Women's Junior College
MIKI Shirahi
PL Gakuen Women's Junior College
MIKI Tokuchika
Church of Perfect Liberty
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kansai Medical University
Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Establishment, Japan Atomic Enerty Research Institute (JAERI)
Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Establishment, Japan Atomic Enerty Research Institute (JAERI)
Space and Prticle Radiation Science Research Group, national Institute of Radiological Science (NIRS
Space Survey Department, LTCB Systems Co., Ltd.
Research and Survey Department, Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center (JSUP)
Space Systems Division, NEC Corporation
Space Utilization Research Center
FUKUI Mitsuyo
Space Experiment Department, National Space Development Agency to Japan (NASDA)
NAKANO Tamotsu
Space Experiment Department, National Space Development Agency to Japan (NASDA)
Space Experiment Department, National Space Development Agency to Japan (NASDA)
AMANO Toshiyuki
Space Experiment Department, National Space Development Agency to Japan (NASDA)
Space Experiment Department, National Space Development Agency to Japan (NASDA)
Space Experiment Department, National Space Development Agency to Japan (NASDA)
Space Experiment Department, National Space Development Agency to Japan (NASDA)
Watanabe H
Radia Industry Co. Ltd
Ohnishi Takeo
Department Of Biology Nara Medical University
Nakano T
Centrifuge Project Team Nasda
Amano Toshiyuki
Space Experiment Department National Space Development Agency To Japan (nasda)
Yamanaka Hisashi
Frontiers Joint Research Program Department Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center
National Space Development Agency of Japan
Shino Tomoaki
Space Experiment Group Nasda
Watanabe H
Health Science University Of Hokkaido
Watanabe Hiroshi
Radia Industry Co. Ltd
Akashi Makoto
Division Of Clinical Research And Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Imamura Masahiro
Department Of Environmental Science Central Research Institute Of Electric Power Industry (criepi)
Furusawa Yoshiya
Ozaki Yuki
Pl Gakuen Women's Junior College
Ohashi Eiji
Research And Survey Department Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center (jsup)
Obiya Yurino
Pl Gakuen Women's Junior College
Miki Shirahi
Pl Gakuen Women's Junior College
Nonaka Tetsuo
Department Of Radiology Gunma Cancer Center
Fukui Mitsuyo
Space Experiment Department National Space Development Agency To Japan (nasda)
Mizuma Nagayo
Research Reactor Inst. Kyoto Univ.
Yanagawa Koji
Space Experiment Department National Space Development Agency To Japan (nasda)
Nagaoka S
Fujita Health Univ. School Of Health Sci. Aichi Jpn
Nagaoka S
Department Of Physiology Fujita Health University School Of Health Sciences
Sugahara Tsutomu
Health Research Foundation
Nagaoka Shunji
Department Of Applied Biology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Takehana Naohiro
Centrifuge Project Team Nasda
Tanaka Naritaka
Department Of General Surgical Science (surgery I) Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sekikawa Ken-ichi
Space Experiment Department National Space Development Agency To Japan (nasda)
Takahashi Shinpei
Space Experiment Department National Space Development Agency Of Japan
Watanabe Hiroshi
Biotechnology Laboratory Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Yamaoka Chikako
Space Systems Division Nec Corporation
Ohnishi Takeo
Nara Medical University
Furusawa Yoshiya
Space And Particle Radiation Science Res. Group Nirs.
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- ATM is the Predominant Kinase Involved in the Phosphorylation of Histone H2AX after Heating
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- Inhibition in a microgravity environment of the recovery of Escherichia coli cells damaged by heavy ion beams during the NASDA ISS Phase I Program of NASA Shuttle/Mir Mission No. 6
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- 生物試験部門
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- 脳虚血誘発のマウス空間認知障害に対する釣藤散の効果 (第15回天然薬物の開発と応用シンポジウム講演要旨集) -- (一般講演)
- Expression Changes of the mRNA of Alzheimer's Disease Related Factors in the Permanent Ischemic Rat Brain(Pharmacology)
- DNA array analysis of gene expression changes by Choto-san in the ischemic rat brain
- Evaluation of the Nitric Oxide Radical Scavenging Activity of Manganese Complexes of Curcumin and Its Derivative(Pharmacology)
- Serotonin 2C Receptor (5-HT2CR) mRNA Editing–Induced Down-Regulation of 5-HT2CR Function in Xenopus Oocytes: the Significance of Site C Editing
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- Protective effect of Choto-san and its related constituents on hydrogen peroxide-induced cell damage in NG108-15 cells
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- Cell growth and morphology of Dictyostelium discoideum in space environment
- Cell growth and morphology of Dictyostelium discoideum in space environment
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- The mRNA Expression of Serotonin 2C Subtype Receptors Uncoupled With Inositol Hydrolysis in NG108-15 Cells
- Expression of p53-Regulated Genes in Cultured Mammalian Cells After Exposure to A Space Environment
- Light-Induced Anthocyanin Reduces the Extent of Damage to DNA in UV-Irradiated Centaurea cyanus Cells in Culture
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- Vanguards of Paradigm Shift in Radiation Biology: Radiation-Induced Adaptive and Bystander Responses
- Radiation-Induced Adaptive Responses and Bystander Effects
- DNA Damage Formation and p53 Accumulation in Mammalian Cells Exposed to the Space Environment
- 日本学術振興会の拠点大学方式による学術交流事業
- The Significance of the Study about the Biological Effects of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation using the Exposed Facility on the International Space Station
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- Hypergravity Modifies the Signal Transduction of Ionizing Radiation through p53
- The Biological Effects of Space Radiation during Long Stays in Space
- Mutation Frequency of Plasmid DNA and Escherichia coli Following Long-term Space Flight on Mir
- The Role of p53 Molecule in Radiation and Hyperthermic Therapies
- Analysis of Apoptosis-related Gene Expression after X-ray Irradiation in Human Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells Harboring Wild-type or Mutated p53 Gene
- Detection of DNA Damage Induced by Space Radiation in Mir and Space Shuttle
- Mutation frequency of Dictyostelium discoideum sporcs exposed to the spase environment
- Serotonin 2C Receptor (5-HT2CR) mRNA Editing-Induced Down-Regulation of 5-HT2CR Function in Xenopus Oocytes : the Significance of Site C Editing
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- 漢方方剤の中枢薬理作用の研究
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