日本宇宙生物科学会 | 論文
- Expression of gibberellin 3.BETA.-hydroxylase gene in a gravi-response mutant, weeping Japanese flowering cherry
- Clustered DNA damage induced by heavy ion particles
- 地球の農業と火星の農業
- Mutation induction after low-dose carbon-ion beam irradiation of frozen human cultured cells
- Development of Basic Technologies for Drop-Tower Experiments on Vertebrates
- Symposium on 'Morphology and Physiology of Semicircular Canal Ampulla'. Perspectives for the comprehensive examination of semicircular canal and otolith function.
- 極限微生物 地球生物圏フロンティア(深海・地底・南極)の微生物
- Acceleration-Based Study of Optimum Exercise for Human Weight-Bearing Bones Enhancement
- Development of A New Accelerometer-Based Physical Activity-Monitoring System Using A High-Frequency Sampling Rate
- Microbeams of Heavy Charged Particles
- 宇宙生物科学教育の展望 個体と細胞をつなぐ身体の適応機構の解明と宇宙生物学
- NASDA Aquatic Animal Experiment Facilities for Space Shuttle.
- Diffentiation of Cellular Slime Mold in Space
- Qualitative and quantitative difference in mutation induction between carbon- and neon-ion beams in normal human cells.
- Studies on Plant Growth under Space Environment - Focusing on Physical Stimuli
- Determination of Calcium Sensing Receptor in the Scales of Goldfish and Induction of Its mRNA Expression by Acceleration Loading
- Mechanism of CELSS and Its Development Status
- JAXA Space Plant Research on the ISS with European Modular Cultivation System
- Development of a Knee-Loading Joint Supporter for Potential Use in Preventing Bone Loss during Spaceflight/Aging
- Symposium on 'Morphology and Physiology of Semicircular Canal Ampulla'. Motion sickness and otolith asymmetry.