日本宇宙生物科学会 | 論文
- The Future Prospects of Ecosystem on the Earth: Problems of Growing World Population and Feeding
- Morphological Changes in Woody Stem of Prunus jamasakura under Simulated Microgravity
- Important Role of Air Convection for Plant Production in Space Farming
- The Frog in Space (FRIS) Experiment Onboard Space Station Mir: Final Report and Follow-on Studies.
- Mechanism of Vestibular Adaptation of Fish under Microgravity.
- C. elegans RNAi space experiment (CERISE) in Japanese Experiment Module KIBO
- Effect of Parabolic Flight on Plasma Arginine Vasopressin as A Sensitive Marker for Psychophysiological Stress in Humans
- ヒトから人間への「進化」と「発達」―「立位」と「自立」の科学と教育
- Measurements of LET Distribution and Dose Equivalent onboard the Space Shuttle IML-2 (STS-65) and S/MM#4 (STS-79).
- Growth and development, and auxin polar transport of transgenic Arabidopsis under simulated microgravity conditions on a three-dimensional clinostat.
- Changes in urinary excretion of pyridinium cross-links during Spacelab-J.
- Growth and Cell Wall Properties in Hypocotyls of Arabidopsis tua6 Mutant under Microgravity Conditions in Space
- Medical and Physiological Science
- 宇宙生物科学教育の展望 宇宙少年団の活動から健全な宇宙科学の教育を展望する
- Concluding Remarks of Autonomous Biological Systems(ABS) Experiments.
- The Outline and Significance of the Resist Wall Experiment: Role of Microtubule-Membrane-Cell Wall Continuum in Gravity Resistance in Plants
- Mechanics of Coriolis stimulus and inducing factors of motion sickness.
- Scope of Each Discipline - Zoology
- Effect of Heavy Ions and HZE Particles on B.subtilis Spores
- Behavioral Resistance of Caenorhabditis elegans Against High-LET Radiation Exposure