Qualitative and quantitative difference in mutation induction between carbon- and neon-ion beams in normal human cells.
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We investigated the difference in cell-killing effect and mutation induction between carbon- and neon-ion beams in normal human cells. Carbon- and neon-ion beams were accelerated by the Riken Ring Cyclotron (RRC) at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Japan. Cell-killing effect was measured as the reproductive cell death using the colony formation assay. Mutation induction at the HPRT locus was detected to measure 6-thioguanine-resistant clones. The mutation spectrum of the deletion pattern of exons of induced mutants was analyzed using the multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Cell-killing effect was almost the same between carbon- and neon-ion beams with similar linear energy transfer (LET) values, while there observed a large difference in mutation frequency. Furthermore, in the case of neon-ion beams 60% of mutants showed total deletions and 35-40% showed partial deletions, while 95-100% of carbon-ion induced mutants showed total deletions. The results suggest that different ion species may cause qualitative and quantitative difference in mutation induction even if the LET values are similar.
- 日本宇宙生物科学会の論文
日本宇宙生物科学会 | 論文
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