DNA ligase IV is a potential molecular target in ACNU sensitivity
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-08-10
Department of Biology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University
MORI Eiichiro
Department of Biology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University
Department of Biology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University
NAKASE Hiroyuki
Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka Neurological Institute
小野 公二
京都大学原子炉実験所 粒子線腫瘍学研究センター
SAKAKI Toshisuke
Department of Neurosurgery, Nara Medical University
Ohnishi Ken
Department Of Biology Nara Medical University
Ohnishi Takeo
姫路獨協大学 医療保健学部作業療法学科
Ohnishi Takeo
奈良県立医科大学 生物学
ONO Koji
Particle Radiation Oncology Research Center, Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University
Dept. Biol. Nara Med. Univ.
Mori Eiichiro
Department Of Biology School Of Medicine Nara Medical University
Mori Eiichiro
奈良県立医科大学 医学部生物学
Mori Eiichiro
奈良県立医科大学 医学部生物学教室
Su Xiaoming
Departments of Biology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University
KONDO Natsuko
Departments of Biology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University
NODA Taichi
Departments of Biology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University
Ono Koji
Particle Radiation Oncology Research Center Kyoto University
Kondo Natsuko
Department Of Biology School Of Medicine Nara Medical University
Ohnishi T
Nara Medical Univ. Nara Jpn
Nara Med. Univ.
Ohnishi Takeo
Department Of Biology Nara Medical University
Omori Katsunori
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (jaxa)
Omori Katsunori
Department Of Space Biology And Microgravity Sciences And Iss Science Project Office Institute Of Sp
Su Xiaoming
Department Of Biology School Of Medicine Nara Medical University
Nakase Hiroyuki
Department Of Neurosurgery Nara Medical University
Sakaki Toshisuke
Department Of Neurological Surgery Kitano Hospital
Takahashi Akihisa
Department Of Biology Nara Medical University
Ono Koji
Shirai Toshihiko
Dept. Dermatol. Nara Medical Univ.
Ono K
Radiation Oncology Research Laboratory Research Reactor Institute Kyoto University
Ohnishi Ken
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Noda Taichi
Department Of Biology School Of Medicine Nara Medical University
Ohnishi Takeshi
Dept. Biology Nara Med. Univ.
Shirai Toshihiko
Department Of Dermatology Nara Medical University Kashihara
Takahashi A
Department Of Biology Nara Medical University
Takahashi Akihisa
奈良県立医科大学 生物学
Ohnishi Ken
Dept. Biology Nara Med. Univ.
Department of Genetics and Tumor Cell Biology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Nakase Hiroyuki
Department Ofneurosurgery School Of Medicine Nara Medical University
Ohnishi Takeo
Nara Medical University
Mckinnon Peter
Department Of Genetics And Tumor Cell Biology St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Ogura Koichi
College Of Industrial Technology Nihon University
Ohnishi Takeo
Dept. Of Biol. Nara Medical Univ.
Sakaki Toshisuke
Department Ofneurosurgery School Of Medicine Nara Medical University
Nakase Hiroyuki
Department Of Life System Institute Of Technology And Science Graduate School The University Of Toku
Sakaki Toshisuke
Department Of Anesthesiology Nara Medical University
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