Exposure to high-dose neutron irradiationin the criticality accident at Tokaimura
Akashi Makoto
Division Of Radiation Health
Akashi Makoto
Division Of Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Division of Clinical Health, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Division of Radiation Health, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Division of Radiation Health, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Kuroiwa Norikazu
Division Of Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Nakagawa Kenichi
Division Of Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Akashi Makoto
Division Of Clinical Research And Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Hirama Toshiyasu
Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
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- DP-086-7 食道扁平上皮癌に対する重粒子線治療と放射線化学療法施行例におけるFDG-PETによる効果判定(第108回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- P-272 肺癌炭素線治療後長期生存例の治療前後のCT画像の変化についての検討(放射線療法,第49回日本肺癌学会総会号)
- P-10 重粒子線治療を行った非小細胞肺癌症例を対象とした血清プロテオーム解析(一般演題(ポスター) 分子生物学,第48回日本肺癌学会総会)
- Reactive oxygen intermediates inhibit the induction of gene expression by irradiation
- Fine adhesion patterning and aligned nuclei orientation of mesenchymal stem cell on narrow line-width of silicone rubber implanted by carbon negative ions (第50回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス)
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- WS-3-9 直腸癌術後の骨盤内局所再発に対する重粒子線治療(ワークショップ3 再発腫瘍の外科治療法および集学的治療方針-大腸・肛門-,第63回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- DP-158-1 直腸癌術後骨盤内局所再発に対する重粒子線治療の第II相試験(第108回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- Carbon Ion Radiotherapy : Clinical Experiences at National Institute of Radiological Science (NIRS)
- Expression of various cytokine genes during radiation-induced thymic lymphomagenesis
- シリコン電界放出電子源から放出される電子のエネルギー分析
- イオン注入装置の帯電緩和素子への応用を目指したシリコンフィールドエミッタアレイの開発(電子管と真空ナノエレクトロニクス及びその評価技術)
- 食道癌に対する粒子線治療
- 重粒子線を用いたがん治療の現状と展望 (特集 がん放射線療法の進歩と展望)
- PD-8-6 切除非適応後腹膜軟部悪性腫瘍に対する炭素イオン線治療の可能性(第108回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
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- Inhibition in a microgravity environment of the recovery of Escherichia coli cells damaged by heavy ion beams during the NASDA ISS Phase I Program of NASA Shuttle/Mir Mission No. 6
- Effect of Heavy Ion Beams from Cyclotron (TIARA) and Synchrotron (HIMAC) on Escherichia coil DNA Repair Deficient Mutants
- 窒化ハフニウムフィールドエミッタアレイを用いた真空トランジスタの周波数特性(電子管と真空ナノエレクトロニクス及びその評価技術)
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- 真空トランジスタのコレクタ形状とコレクタ特性(電子管と真空ナノエレクトロニクス及びその評価技術)
- Irradiation system and physical measurements for heavy-ion radiotherapy.
- CD44 and Bak Expression in IL-6 or TNF-alpha Gene Knockout Mice After Whole Lung Irradiation
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- Fractionated Irradiation Augments Inter-Strain Variation of Skin Reactions among Three Strains of Mice
- Strain Dependent Differences in a Histological Study of CD44 and Collagen Fibers with an Expression Analysis of Inflammatory Response-related Genes in Irradiated Murine Lung
- Measurements of HIMAC Therapy Beam Qualities
- Measurements of Heavy Ion Beam Qualities
- Pathological Changes in the Gastrointestinal Tract of a Heavily Radiation-exposed Worker at the Tokai-mura Criticality Accident
- Phosphorous-31 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Cervical Cancer Using Transvaginal Surface Coil
- Changes in the Pharmacokinetics of Gd-DTPA in Experimental Tumors after Charged Particle Radiation : Comparison with γ-Ray Radiation
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- Radiation Burns by ^Iridium : Clinical Features 22 years after Exposure
- シリコン微小電子源のイオンビーム空間電荷中和への応用(電子管と真空ナノエレクトロニクス及びその評価技術)
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- 水素ガス導入下におけるSi:C電界放出電子源の経時変化の測定
- 窒化ハフニウムフィールドエミッタアレイの耐久性の評価
- Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Progression in Catalase-Overexpressing SK-OV-3 Cells after Irradiation
- Boron Emission Rate from Si/SiO_2 Interface Traps to Bulk Silicon for Dose Loss Modeling
- Effect of Microgravity on the Cell Recovery of Escherichia coli Pre-Irradiated by Carbon Ion Beams
- Impaired CD28-mediated co-stimulation in anergic T cells
- Heavy ion radiography
- 高分解能ラザフォード後方散乱分析(RBS)による銀負イオン注入熱酸化薄膜における銀の熱拡散分布の測定と拡散障壁による単層銀ナノ粒子の形成
- Catalase Promotes Apoptosis Induced by TNF-alpha in Hepatoma cells SK-HEP-1
- Hsp25 Regulates the Expression of p21(Wafl/Cip1/Sdi1)through Multiple Mechanisms
- Roles of Endogenous Hydrogen Peroxide in Cell Growth of Human Leukemia Cells HL60
- IL-1 Induces Expression of p21^ Independently of p53 in High-Passage Human Embryonic Fibroblasts WI38
- Initial Symptoms of Acute Radiation Syndrome in the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Treatment of Patients who were Severely Exposed to Neutron and Gamma Radiation in the Recent Criticality Accident in Tokaimura
- Exposure to high-dose neutron irradiationin the criticality accident at Tokaimura
- S3-7 小型末梢非小細胞肺癌に対する非外科的根治術 : 重粒子(炭素イオン)線治療(小型肺癌の診断と治療, 第30回日本呼吸器内視鏡学会学術集会)
- A Proton Dose Calculation Code for Treatment Planning Based on the Pencil Beam Algorithm
- Analysis of the Penumbra for Uniform Irradiation Fields Delivered by a Wobbler method
- Comparative study of He, C, Ne and Ar beams for heavy-ion radiation therapy : Motivation and preliminary result of the comparison -
- 電界電子放出特性その場解析アナログ回路の改良(電子管と真空ナノエレクトロニクス及びその評価技術)
- Effect of C^-implantation on Nerve-Cell Attachment to Polystyrene Films
- 炭素負イオン注入処理を施した高分子材料上におけるタンパク質吸着性の評価
- 負イオン注入形成Geナノ粒子含有SiO_2薄膜の電気的特性
- S-Kチャートによる電界放出デバイス評価技術(電子管と真空ナノエレクトロニクス及びその評価技術)
- 真空ナノエレクトロニクス素子の切片傾きチャートによる解析
- レーザ照射処理を施したカーボンナノチューブの電子放出特性の切片傾きチャートによる解析
- 負イオン注入法によるSiO2薄膜中での金ナノ粒子の2次元的配列 (特集 デバイス)
- Clinical Results of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy at NIRS
- Differential expression of antioxidant genes by x-rays and a carbonbeam
- Irradiation reduces levels of myeloperoxidase mRNA through TNF production in HL6O cells
- Irradiation Increases MnSOD Gene through a Production of TNF in Monocytic Cells
- Effect of G-CSF and Pentoxifylline on the Bacterial Trans-location from Intestinal Flora in Irradiated mice.
- Effect of G-CSF and OK-432 on the bacterial trans-location from intestinal flora in irradiated mice
- Effect of G-CSF and OK-432 on the bacterial trans-location from intestinal flora in irradiated mice (the 2nd report).
- Effects of different quality of irradiation on hematopoietic system in mice : comparison between x-rays and heaxy ion particle exposures
- Effect of G-CSF and OK-432 on the bacterial trans-location from intestinal flora in irradiated mice.
- Control of GVHD by sIL-1R and anti-IFN-γ
- Control of endotoxin shock by OK-432
- Effects of different quality of irradiation on hematopojetic system in mice : comparison between x-ray and heavy ion particle exposures.
- Radioprotective effect of coabination treatment of G-CSF and IL-i or OK-432 on mice after irradiation.
- Radio-protective effect of combination therapy with G-CSF and OX-432 on mouse after irradiation.
- Specification of Carbon Ion Dose at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS)
- Chromosomal Aberrations in Lymphocytes of Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Carbon Ions
- Chromosomal aberrations in lung cancer patients' lymphocytes induced by heavy ion therapy using PCC+FISHtechniques
- Chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes induced by fractionated irradiation with carbon ions
- MR Imaging of Brain Injury Induced by Carbon Ion Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Tumors
- Introduction of autopsy imaging redefines the concept of autopsy : 37 cases of clinical experience
- Radiation Injury
- 会員のための企画 実質臓器悪性腫瘍に対する局所療法 重粒子線を用いたがん治療の現状と展望
- 熱酸化シリコン薄膜へのゲルマニウム負イオン斜め注入とフォトルミネッセンス評価
- 放医研における重粒子線治療の臨床成果 (特集 ここまで来た重粒子線治療 : 現状と将来展望) -- (重粒子線治療研究の過去,現在,未来)
- 真空トランジスタによる振幅変調波の検波(電子管と真空ナノエレクトロニクス及びその評価技術)
- 四極構造の真空トランジスタを用いた周波数混合実験(電子管と真空ナノエレクトロニクス及びその評価技術)