Initial Symptoms of Acute Radiation Syndrome in the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
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A criticality accident occurred on September 30, 1999, at the uranium conversion plant in Tokai-mura (Tokai-village), Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. When the criticality occurred, three workers saw a "blue-white glow,"and a radiation monitor alarm was sounded. They were severely exposed to neutron and γ-ray irradiation, and subsequently developed acute radiation syndrome (ARS). One worker reported vomiting within minutes and loss of consciousness for 10-20 seconds. This worker also had diarrhea an hour after the exposure. The other worker started to vomit almost an hour after the exposure. The three workers, including their supervisor, who had no symptoms at the time, were brought to the National Mito Hospital by ambulance. Because of the detection of γ-rays from their body surface by preliminary surveys and decreased numbers of lymphocytes in peripheral blood, they were transferred to the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), which has been designated as a hospital responsible for radiation emergencies. Dose estimations for the three workers were performed by prodromal symptoms, serial changes of lymphocyte numbers, chromosomal analysis, and ^<24>Na activity. The results obtained from these methods were fairly consistent. Most of the data, such as the dose rate of radiation, its distribution, and the quality needed to evaluate the average dose, were not available when the decision for hematopoitic stem cell transplantation had to be made. Therefore, prodromal symptoms may be important in making decisions for therapeutic strategies, such as stem-cell transplantation in heavily exposed victims.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
山田 滋
鎌田 正
Kanai T
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kanai Tatsuaki
茨城県立医療大学 放射線技術科学科
Akashi Makoto
Division Of Radiation Health
Akashi Makoto
Division Of Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
KANAI Tatsuaki
Department of Radiation Oncology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Division of Clinical Health, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Kato Hirotoshi
Research Center Hospital For Charged Particle Therapy National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kanai Tatsuaki
Department Of Accelerator And Medical Physics Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National
Kanai Tatsuaki
Department Of Medical Physics National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
YAMADA Shigeru
Division of Radiation Medicine, Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Division of Radiation Health, National lnstitute of Raciological Sciences
Division of Radiation Health, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Division of Radiation Health, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Division of Radiation Health, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Division of Radiation Medicine, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Division of Radiation Medicine, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Division of Radiation Medicine, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Surgical Section, Mitsubishi Kobe Hospital
Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University
Tanosaki Sakae
Division Of Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kato Hirotoshi
Division Of Radiation Medicine National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Kamata Tadashi
Research Center Hospital For Charged Particle Therapy National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Maekawa Kazuhiko
Department Of Emergency Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Tokyo University
Maekawa Kazuhiko
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Science University University Of Tokyo
Kuroiwa Norikazu
Division Of Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Nakagawa Kenichi
Division Of Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Akashi Makoto
Division Of Clinical Research And Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Suzuki Gen
Division Of Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Ariga Hisanori
Department Of Radiology National Mito Hospital
Ariga Hisanori
Department Of Radiation Oncology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kamata Tadashi
Division Of Nephrology Kyoto City Hospital
Kanai Tatsuaki
Div. Acce. Res. Natl. Inst. Radiol Sci.
Suzuki Gen
Division Of Clinical Research And Radiation Health National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Tsuji Hiroshi
Division of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
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- 61. 食道表在癌に対する放射線治療(第994回千葉医学会例会・千葉大学医学部第二外科例会)
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- 会員のための企画 実質臓器悪性腫瘍に対する局所療法 重粒子線を用いたがん治療の現状と展望