Effect of Microgravity on the Cell Recovery of Escherichia coli Pre-Irradiated by Carbon Ion Beams
Dept. Biol. Nara Med. Univ.
Akashi Makoto
Division Of Radiation Health
Health Research Foundation
PL Gakuen Women's Junior College
JAERI- Takasaki
JAERI- Takasaki
PL Gakuen Women's Jr. College.
Nakano T
Centrifuge Project Team Nasda
Yamanaka Hisashi
Frontiers Joint Research Program Department Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center
Nagaoka Shunji
National Space Development Agency of Japan
NAKAN0 Tamotsu
Watanabe H
Health Science University Of Hokkaido
Watanabe Hiroshi
Radia Industry Co. Ltd
Furusawa Y
Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Ozaki Yuki
Pl Gakuen Women's Junior College
Nonaka Tetsuo
Department Of Radiology Gunma Cancer Center
Harada Kazuki
Pl Gakuen Women's Jr. College
Nagaoka S
Fujita Health Univ. School Of Health Sci. Aichi Jpn
Nagaoka S
Department Of Physiology Fujita Health University School Of Health Sciences
Nagaoka Shunji
Department Of Applied Biology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Takehana Naohiro
Centrifuge Project Team Nasda
Tanaka Naritaka
Department Of General Surgical Science (surgery I) Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
Watanabe Hiroshi
Biotechnology Laboratory Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Dept. Biol. , Nara Med. Univ.
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- Reversed dose-rate effect of high LET radiation in mutation induction
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- 9 Modulation of nitric oxide-mediated bystander effects by chronic irradiation with gamma-rays(Low dose and low dose-rate effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
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- The effect of artificial gravity on the morphogenesis of UV-irradiated Dict ostelium discoldeum cells.
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- 109 Disruption Analysis of the recF Gene in the Radioresistant Bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans(Repair of radiation damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 84 Effects of Mild Temperature Hyperthermia and p53 Status of Tumor Cells on the Size of Hypoxic Cell Fractions in Solid Tumors(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
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- Bioassay for Neutron-Dose Estimations of Three Patients in the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura by Measuring β-ray Emitters
- Effect of Microgravity on the Cell Recovery of Escherichia coli Pre-Irradiated by Carbon Ion Beams
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- Application of a Collimated Heavy Ion Microbeam System at TIARA for Local Irradiation of Biological Targets
- Influence of LET on Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Deinococcus radiodurans
- 244 Apoptosis in ATM deficient cell line irradiated with heavy-ion beams(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
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- Radiation-Induced Adaptive Responses and Bystander Effects
- 248 Enhancement of radio-/heat-sensitivity by an inhibitor, LY294002, for PI3K(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Mutagenic specificity in DNA base sequence by irradiation of α-particles in Escherichia coli.
- Distribution of Heavy Ion-Induced G2 Chromatin Damage and Repair in Human Fibroblast Cells
- Effects of different quality of irradiation on hematopojetic system in mice : comparison between x-ray and heavy ion particle exposures.
- Detection of DNA damage in the individual cells induced by heavy ion microbeam irradiation with the cometassay.
- p53-Dependent Heat Sensitivity in Human Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue Transfected with mp53 Gene
- Biological Microbeam System in TIARA
- Radiation Injury
- Contribution of Radiation-Induced, Nitric Oxide-mediated Bystander Effect to Radiation-Induced Adaptive Response
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- 83 Effects of DNA-PKcs-targeted siRNA on radio/heat sensitivity in human cancer cells(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Enhanced Repair of Radiation-Induced DNA Damages under Microgravity
- S-4-1 Breakthrough for radio-cancer therapy based on the knowledge of radiation biology(Aiming Further Development of Radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- S-3-3 Reduction of radiation-induced apoptosis by pre-irradiation at a low dose or a low dose-rate(Biological Effects of Low Dose and Low Dose-rate Irradiations, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Effect of p53 piont mutation in interaction of radiation or hyperthermia and SN-38, an active metabolite of DNA Topoisomerase I inhibitor, CPT-11, in human glioblastoma cell line
- Depression of Pre-irradiation with a Low Dose-rate on Radiation-induced Mutation
- DNA ligase IV is a potential molecular target in ACNU sensitivity
- 251 Induction of Apoptosis by Non-DNA Damage Using Penetration Controlled Ion Beam Exposure(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Deinococcus radiodurans does not show RBE peak In LET response
- Indirect Influences of Radiation on Unirradiated Cells through Irradiated Cells
- Gain of Radioadaptive Response by pre-irradiation at a Low Dose or a Low Dose-rate
- Accumulation of p53 Protein in Rat Skin and Muscle after Exposure to a Space Environment
- Studies on the Molecular Mechanism of Acquired Radio-restance by Small Dose Pre-irradiation in Mice
- Development of Cloning Vector on D.radiodurans (IV) Reconstruction of Shuttle Plasmid Isolated from R1 Strain
- Biological effects of Space Radiation
- Nitric Oxide Radical-induced Radioadaptation and Radiosensitization Are G_2/M Phase-dependent
- The role of tumor suppressor p53 protein on cellular stress response
- Microflora Investigation Experiment