Biological effects of Space Radiation
- The Foci of DNA Double Strand Break-recognition Proteins Localize with γH2AX after Heat Treatment
- DNA Damage Recognition Proteins Localize along Heavy Ion Induced Tracks in the Cell Nucleus
- LOH Analyses for Biological Effects of Space Radiation : Human Cell Culture in "Kibo" of International Space Station
- Effects of p53 Status on Radiosensitivity and the Size of Hypoxic Fraction of Intratumor Total and QuiescentCell Populations
- High LET Heavy Ion Radiation Induces p53-Independent Apoptosis
- High LET radiation enhances apoptosis in mutated p53 cancer cells through Caspase-9 activation
- The Biology of Heat-induced DNA Double-Strand Breaks
- Time Course and Spacial Distribution of UV Effects on Human Skin in Organ Culture
- Development of thermotolerance requires interaction between polymerase-β and heat shock proteins
- The First Life Science Experiments in ISS : Reports of "Rad Gene"-Space Radiation Effects on Human Cultured Cells-
- Recent Advances in the Biology of Heavy-Ion Cancer Therapy
- ATM is the Predominant Kinase Involved in the Phosphorylation of Histone H2AX after Heating
- Usefulness of Hexamethylenetetramine as an Adjuvant to Radiation and Cisplatin in the Treatment of Solid Tumors : its Independency of p53 Status
- 9 Modulation of nitric oxide-mediated bystander effects by chronic irradiation with gamma-rays(Low dose and low dose-rate effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Modulation of NO-Mediated Bystander Effect by Pre-Gamma-Ray Irradiation with Low-Dose Rate
- The effect of artificial gravity on the morphogenesis of UV-irradiated Dict ostelium discoldeum cells.
- Increase of wtp53 pool size in specific organs of mice by low doses of X-ray.
- Preferential Inhibition of Nucleosome Assembly by (6-4) Photo products,
- 84 Effects of Mild Temperature Hyperthermia and p53 Status of Tumor Cells on the Size of Hypoxic Cell Fractions in Solid Tumors(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- コンピュータによるイメージ加工と温熱誘導γH2AXフォーカスの解析
- The Effects of Irradiation of Low Dose and Low Dose Rate on p53-centered Signal Transduction in Human Glioblastoma Cells (A-172)
- A role of poly (ADP-Ribose) lation in Radiation-induced Waf1 Induction in Human Glioblastoma Cells.
- Effects of an Inhibitor of Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase, 3-Aminobenzamide, on γ-Induced WAF1 Gene Expression in Human Glioblastoma Cells.
- p53-Dependence of Heat- or γ-Ray-Induced Signal Transduction for WAF1 Expression of Human Glioblastoma Cells (A-172/wtp53) Transfected with mp53 Gene.
- Bifunctional Effects of a Protein Kinase Inhibitor (H-7) on Heat-Induced p53-Dependent WAF1 Accumulation
- WAF1 induction by α-rays in human glioblastoma cell lines.
- Loss of p53 -dependent signal transdution in γ -ray irradiated scid mouse fibroblasts
- Contribution of PKC to accumulation of hsp72 after UV or heat treatment
- Induction of p53 and WAFJ in Heat-treated Human Glioblastoma cells
- Effect of p53-type on γ-ray or UV induced chromosomal aberration
- Effect of Microgravity on the Cell Recovery of Escherichia coli Pre-Irradiated by Carbon Ion Beams
- Restraint Plus Water-immersion Stress (RWIS)-induced Stomach Ulcers in Mice are Depressed by a Conditioning Heat Treatment
- Expression of p53-Regulated Genes in Cultured Mammalian Cells After Exposure to A Space Environment
- Radiosensitivity and Radioadaptive Response Induced by Pre-irradiation with a Low Dose in Rolling MouseNagoya
- Vanguards of Paradigm Shift in Radiation Biology: Radiation-Induced Adaptive and Bystander Responses
- Radiation-Induced Adaptive Responses and Bystander Effects
- 248 Enhancement of radio-/heat-sensitivity by an inhibitor, LY294002, for PI3K(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- p53-Dependent Heat Sensitivity in Human Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue Transfected with mp53 Gene
- Contribution of Radiation-Induced, Nitric Oxide-mediated Bystander Effect to Radiation-Induced Adaptive Response
- Relationship between p53 status and amount of hsp72 induction in human cancer cells.
- Heat resistance of a radiation-sensitive M 10 mutant of L5178Y mouse lymphoma
- 83 Effects of DNA-PKcs-targeted siRNA on radio/heat sensitivity in human cancer cells(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- S-4-1 Breakthrough for radio-cancer therapy based on the knowledge of radiation biology(Aiming Further Development of Radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- S-3-3 Reduction of radiation-induced apoptosis by pre-irradiation at a low dose or a low dose-rate(Biological Effects of Low Dose and Low Dose-rate Irradiations, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Effect of p53 piont mutation in interaction of radiation or hyperthermia and SN-38, an active metabolite of DNA Topoisomerase I inhibitor, CPT-11, in human glioblastoma cell line
- Depression of Pre-irradiation with a Low Dose-rate on Radiation-induced Mutation
- DNA ligase IV is a potential molecular target in ACNU sensitivity
- Indirect Influences of Radiation on Unirradiated Cells through Irradiated Cells
- Gain of Radioadaptive Response by pre-irradiation at a Low Dose or a Low Dose-rate
- Accumulation of p53 Protein in Rat Skin and Muscle after Exposure to a Space Environment
- Studies on the Molecular Mechanism of Acquired Radio-restance by Small Dose Pre-irradiation in Mice
- Biological effects of Space Radiation
- Nitric Oxide Radical-induced Radioadaptation and Radiosensitization Are G_2/M Phase-dependent
- The role of tumor suppressor p53 protein on cellular stress response