Accumulation of iNOS by Hyperthermia and Effect on the Coexisting Non-Treated Cells in Human Glioblastoma Cell Lines
Matsumoto Hideki
Dept. Exp. Radiol. Health Phys. Fukui Med. Univ.
Matsumoto Hideki
Division Of Oncology Biomedical Imaging Research Center University Of Fukui
Dept. Exp. Radiol. Health Phys. Fukui Med. Univ.
KANO Eiichi
Dept. Exp. Radiol. Health Phys., Fukui Med. Univ.
Kano Eiichi
Dept. Exp. Radiol. Health Phys. Fukui Med. Univ.
Dept. Otorhinolaryngol. Fukui Med. Univ.
KITAI Ryuhei
Dept. Neurosurg. Fukui Med. Univ.
Kano Eiichi
Departments Of Experimental Radiology And Health Physics
Depts Expt'l. Radiol.
Depts Expt'l. Radiol.
Depts Otorhinolaryngol.
KITAI Ryuhei
Depts Neurosurg.
Depts Radiol., Fukui Med. Univ.
KANO Eiichi
Depts Expt'l. Radiol.
Shioura Hiroki
Dept. Radiol. Fukui Med. Univ.
Majima Hideyuki
Departments Of Experimental Radiology And Health Physics
Matsumoto Hideki
Department Of Biology Nara Medical University
Depts Expt'l. Radiol.
KANO Eiichi
Depts Expt'l. Radiol.
- 9 Modulation of nitric oxide-mediated bystander effects by chronic irradiation with gamma-rays(Low dose and low dose-rate effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Modulation of NO-Mediated Bystander Effect by Pre-Gamma-Ray Irradiation with Low-Dose Rate
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- Loss of p53 -dependent signal transdution in γ -ray irradiated scid mouse fibroblasts
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- Induction of p53 and WAFJ in Heat-treated Human Glioblastoma cells
- Effect of p53-type on γ-ray or UV induced chromosomal aberration
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- 166 Modification of Radio- and Thermo-Sensitivity by Amrubicin or Amrubicinol in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma A549 Cells(Radio-protection and sensitization, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 159 p53-dependent regulation of induction of angiogenic regulatory factors by hyperthermia in vitro(Radio-protection and sensitization, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 158 p53-Independent Thermo-Chemo-Sensitization by NO Radical Generators in transplanted tumors(Radio-protection and sensitization, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
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- Contribution of Radiation-Induced, Nitric Oxide-mediated Bystander Effect to Radiation-Induced Adaptive Response
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- Accumulation of iNOS by Hyperthermia and Effect on the Coexisting Non-Treated Cells in Human Glioblastoma Cell Lines
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- がん温熱化学療法の増感メカニズムへの再訪--ラジカル産生が増感の鍵を握るのか?
- Radiation-Induced Bystander Effect