Radiation Respones of HMV-I Human Malignant Melanoma Cells Grown in Vitro as Multicellular Spheroids
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HMV-I cells, derived from human malignant melanoma, were cultured in spinner flask as multicellular spheroids. The growth in vitro was exponential for 9 days and then the growth rate gradually decreased. Central necrosis was detected by histological examination in the 400-500 μm diameter spheroids. Radiation survival curve obtained for spheroids of approximately 400 jim diameters consisted of an initial steeper component and a shallower one. The Do values were 1.2 Gy and 3.5 Gy for radiosensitive and radioresistant component, respectively. It was considered that this radioresistance was due to hypoxic cells which were located in the inner region adjacent to the central necrosis in the spheroids. These results suggest that HMV-I spheroids provide an useful in vitro human tumor model which is capable of contributing much to a better knowledge of cancer therapy. Multicellular spheroids, which were first developed by Sutherland and coworkers1), are composed of cells growing in a 3-dimensional structure simulating the growth and microenvironmental condition of the in vivo tumor.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
佐藤 真一郎
稲田 哲雄
松井 謙吾
窪田 宜夫
Inada Tetsuo
Ibaraki Prefectural Univ. Of Health Sci.
松井 謙吾
佐藤 真一郎
Inada Tetsuo
The Particle Radiation Medical Science Center University Of Tsukuba
松井 謙吾
横浜市立大学医学部付属病院放射線科; Fellow In Radiological Research Of The James Picker Foundation Recommended By The
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