The Effects of Plant Proteins and their Hydolysates on EEG while Listening to Music(60th Anniversary Memorial Hall in Musashino Women's University)
Department of Public Health, Akita University Faculty of Medicine
HIGUCHI Shigekazu
Department of Public Health, Akita University School of Medicine
小川 智久
Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku University
Ogawa T
Animal Resource Science/veterinary Medical Science University Of Tokyo
村本 光二
Lab. Of Functional Biomolecules Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku Univ.
Tohoku University, Graduate School of Life
OGAWA Tomohisa
Tohoku University, Graduate School of Life Science
Tohoku University, Graduate School of Life Science
Kansei Fukushi Research Center, Tohoku Fukushi University
Kansei Fukushi Research Center, Tohoku Fukushi University
Ito Go
Tohoku University Graduate School Of Life
Muramoto Koji
Laboratory Of Applied Phytochemistry Tohoku University Graduate School Of Agricultural Science
Muramoto Koji
Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Tohoku University
Yamaguchi Masato
Division Of Human Interface And Environmental Sciences Kansei Fukushi Research Center Tohoku Fukushi
Yamaguchi Masato
Kansei Fukushi Research Center Tohoku Fukushi University
Hatakeyama Eiko
Kansei Fukushi Research Center Tohoku Fukuchi University
Hatakeyama Eiko
Kansei Fukushi Research Center Tohoku Fukushi University
Motohashi Yutaka
Department Of Public Health Akita University Faculty Of Medicine
Higuchi Shigekazu
Department Of Physiologicai Anthropology Kyushu University Of Oesign Sciences
Muramoto K
Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Tohoku University
Ogawa T
Laboratory Of Cellular Biochemistry Veterinary Medical Science/animal Resource Science The Universit
Motohashi Yutaka
Department Of Hygiene Faculty Of Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Higuchi Shigekazu
Department Of Human Science Faculty Of Design Kyushu University
Hatakeyama Eiko
Kansei Fukushi Resarch Center, Tohoku Fukushi University
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