Hatakeyama Eiko | Kansei Fukushi Research Center Tohoku Fukuchi University
Hatakeyama Eiko
Kansei Fukushi Research Center Tohoku Fukuchi University
Hatakeyama Eiko
Kansei Fukushi Resarch Center, Tohoku Fukushi University
MIYAZAKI Yoshifumi
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Miyazaki Yoshifumi
Forestoy And Forest Preducts Research Institute
Kansei Fukushi Research Center, Tohoku Fukushi University
Hatakeyama Eiko
Kansei Fukushi Research Center Tohoku Fukushi University
Miyazaki Yoshifumi
Center For Environment Health And Field Sciences Chiba University
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Kansei Fukushi Research Center, Tohoku Fukushi University
Yamaguchi Masato
Division Of Human Interface And Environmental Sciences Kansei Fukushi Research Center Tohoku Fukushi
- The Effects of Plant Proteins and their Hydolysates on EEG while Listening to Music(60th Anniversary Memorial Hall in Musashino Women's University)
- Effects of Cross-sectional Area on Human Bite Studied with Raw Carrot and Surimi Gel
- II-15 Effect of Visual Stimulation of Natural Scenery on Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems(II) : In the Case of Poor Correlation between Sensory Evaluation and Physiological Responses(Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological A
- II-14 Effect of Visual Stimulation by Natural Scenery on Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems(I) : In the Case of Good Correlation Between Sensory Evaluation and Physiological Response(Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Ant
- The Effects of Plant Proteins and Their Hydolysates on EEG
- A Comparison of Cerebral Activity in the Prefrontal Region between Young Adults and the Elderly while Driving(ICPA 2006)
- S03-3 A Comparison of Characteristics of Brain Activity of Prefrontal Region and Behavior whilst Driving between the Young Adult and the Elderly(Proceedings of The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- Variation of Technological Adaptability Evaluated by the Performance and Brain Hemodynamics Measurement
- Effect of Inhalation of Odoriferous Substances from Leaves of Green Tea on Humans
- P-2 The Effect of Music as Auditory Stimulus on Cerebral Blood Volume etc.(Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)