History of blood transfusion before 1990 is associated with increased risk for cancer mortality independently of liver disease : a prospective long-term follow-up study
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-05-01
Department of Public Health, Akita University Faculty of Medicine
Ito Yoshinori
札幌医科大学 医学部公衆衛生学
INOUE Yusuke
Department of Radiology, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Tokyo
Ito Yoshinori
Department Of Preventive Medicine/biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
INABA Yutaka
Juntendo University School of Medicine
Inaba Yutaka
愛知医科大学 公衆衛生学
Watanabe Y
Kyoto Prefectural Univ. Medicine Kyoto Jpn
Ishida Yoshiko
Department Of Preventive Medicine-biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
Aoki Kunio
Department Of Health And Environmental Sciences Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
Koizumi Akio
秋田大学 衛生
Koizumi Akio
Department Of Hygiene Yamaguchi University School Of Medicinemedicine
Inaba Y
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
WADA Yasuhiko
Department of Clinical Informatics, Kansai Rosai Hospital
Inoue Yusuke
Department Of Radiology Institute Of Medical Science University Of Tokyo
Koizumi Akio
Department Of Health And Environmental Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Wada Yasuhiro
Department Of Hygiene Akita University School Of Medicine
WADA Yasuhiko
Hyogo College of Medicine
Motohashi Yutaka
Department Of Public Health Akita University Faculty Of Medicine
Koizumi Akio
Department Of Health And Environmental Science School Of Public Health Kyoto University
Inaba Y
Department Of Epidemiology And Environmental Health Juntendo University School Of Medicine
Wada Yasuhiko
Department Of Clinical Informatics Kansai Rosai Hospital
Inaba Yutaka
Department Of Health And Environmental Sciences Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Inoue Yusuke
Department Of Biomedical Engineering Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Wada Yasuhiko
Department Of Civil And Environmental Engineering
Motohashi Yutaka
Department Of Hygiene Faculty Of Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Ito Yoshinori
Department Of Preventive Medicine - Biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Grad
Watanabe Yoshiyuki
Department Of Epidemiology For Community Health And Medicine Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicin
Ito Yoshinori
Department Of Preventive Medicine/biostatistics And Medical Decision Making Nagoya University Gradua
INABA Yutaka
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
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