Effects of Changes in Arousal Level by Continuous Light Stimulus on Contingent Negative Variation (CNV)
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate an inverted-U relationship between contingent negative variation (CNV) and arousal level which was influenced by extraneous environment. As an extraneous stirnulant, stimulation by light was adopted, and five levels of luminance conditions, 10 cd/m^2, 100 cd/m^2, 320 cd/m^2, 1,000 cd/m^2, and 1,800 cd/m^2 were provided randomly. Under five luminance conditions, seven subjects who had been accustomed a measurement of CNV executed simple reaction time tasks to evoke CNV. Outside CNV, spontaneous EEG prior to S1 was measured as an indicator for arousal level. As a result, a negative correlation existed between the logarithm of luminance and the relative power value of α waves at Fz. Otherwise, an increase in luminance caused an increase in CNV amplitude until the luminance level reached 320 cd/m^2, beyond which however CNV amplitude was found to decrease. These tendencies were most remarkable in the phase of early CNV at Fz. The low amplitude of early CNV seen in the high luminance conditions was inferred to have been induced by excessive arousal state because of the low relative power value of α waves, while the low amplitude in the low luminance conditions was inferred to have been induced by low arousal state because of the high relative power value of α waves. However, changes in arousal level by light stimulus caused no effect on reaction time. From these findings, it was suggested that a definite "inverted-U" relationship existed between the change in arousal level by light stimulation and resultant CNV, and that it could be discriminated as to whether reduction in CNV is caused by excessive arousal effect of environment by analyzing spontaneous EEG preceding S1.
- 日本生理人類学会の論文
Higuchi Shigekazu
Japan National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
HIGUCHI Shigekazu
Department of Public Health, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Physiological Anthropology, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University
SATO Masahiko
Nagasaki Junior College
佐藤 方彦
Yasukouchi Akira
東亜大学 人間科学部
Yasukouchi Akira
Department Of Human Living System Design Faculty Of Design Kyushu University
Higuchi Shigekazu
福島県立医科大学 衛生学講座
Sato Masahiko
Department of Cardiology, Surugadai Nihon Univ. Hospital(The 2nd department of internal medicine)
Watanuki Shigeki
Department of Physiological Anthropology, Kyushu University of Design Sciences
Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University
Yasukouchi A
Faculty Of Design Kyushu University
Yasukouchi Akira
Fac. Of Design Kyushu Univ.
Watanuki Shigeki
Graduate School Of Design Kyushu University
Watanuki Shigeki
Kyushu Institute Of Art
Watanuki Shigeki
Department Of Physiological A Nthropologi Kyushu University
Higuchi Shigekazu
Department Of Physiological Anthropology Kyushu University Of Design Sciences
Higuchi Shigekazu
Department Of Physiologicai Anthropology Kyushu University Of Oesign Sciences
Watanuki S
Institute Of Design Kyushu University
Watanuki S
Department Of Physiological Anthropology Kyushu University Of Design Sciences
Watanuki S
Graduate School Of Design Kyushu University
Shimada Machiko
Lotte Co. Ltd. Central Laboratory
Watanuki Shigeki
Department Of Physiological Anthropology Kyushu Institute Of Desigin
Sato Masahiko
Department Of Cardiology Surugadai Nihon Univ. Hospital(the 2nd Department Of Internal Medicine)
Sato M
Bunka Women's Univ.
Sato Masahiko
Department Of Physiological Anthropology Bunka Women's University
Watanuki Shigeki
Department Of Ergonomics Kyushu University Of Design Sciences
Watanuki Shigeki
Institute Of Design Kyushu University
Yasukouchi Akira
Depariment Of Physiological Anthropology. Kyushu University Of Desgin Sciences
Sato Masahiko
Department Of Cardiology Ohara Medical Center
Sato Masahiko
Bunka Woman's University
Sato Masahiko
Bunka Women's University
Sato Masahiko
Departlent Of Physiological Anthropology Kyushu University Of Design Sciences
Higuchi Shigekazu
Department Of Human Science Faculty Of Design Kyushu University
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