Quantitative EEG Data and Comprehensive ADL (Activities of Daily Living) Evaluation of Stroke Survivors Residing in the Community
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that EEG values match other comprehensive activities of daily living (ADL) evaluations between stroke survivors and normal controls. Various functions related to ADL were wxamined by means of ADL assessments (Measurement of Competence in the Elderly Living at Home, Barthel Index, Stroke Impairment Assessment Set, time needed to walk 10 metres) and buisicuak stbcgribuzatuib (the questionnaire on biosocial rhythms of daily living). EEG was undertaken using a computerassisted portable EEG recorder. The power spectra were computed using a fast Fourier transformation analysis (FFT). The absolute and relateve powers (percent of the total EEG power) of 5 frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha 1, alpha 2 and beta) and the peak freuqency were analyzed. In comparing stroke survivors and the independent elderly, the latter had higher scores than the former in assessments of various functions related to ADL. The absolute and relative power of the delta band were lower in normal controls, and the relative power of the alpha (2) band and the peak frequency were higher than those of stroke survivors. Among the correlations between EEG and ADL assessments, the absolute and relative power of the alpha (2) band correlated significantly with ADL assessments of stroke survivors with right hemiplegia. The peak frequency was significantly increased in cases with high ADL scores. In conclusion, significant correlations were identified between the quantitative EEG data of stroke survivors in the chronic stage, living in the community, and ADL - related functions. Computer - assisted portable EEG recording is a potentially useful screening tool for objetively evaluating the functional levels of stroke survivors in field work.
- 日本生理人類学会の論文
Department of Public Health, Akita University Faculty of Medicine
前田 亮
Higuchi Shigekazu
Japan National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
HIGUCHI Shigekazu
Department of Public Health, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Computer Science, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Department of Public Health, Akita University School of Medicine
Maeda Akira
Department Of Sports Biomechanics And Applied Physiology National Institute Of Fitness And Sports In
Higuchi Shigekazu
福島県立医科大学 衛生学講座
Maeda Akira
National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya
Yuasa Takao
Department Of Public Health Akita University School Of Medicine
Yuasa Takao
Department Of Aeronautics And Astronautics University Of Tokyo
Motohashi Y
Akita Univ. School Of Medicine Akita Jpn
Motohashi Yutaka
Department Of Public Health Akita University School Of Medicine
Motohashi Yutaka
Department Of Public Health Akita University Faculty Of Medicine
Higuchi Shigekazu
Department Of Physiological Anthropology Kyushu University Of Design Sciences
Higuchi Shigekazu
Department Of Physiologicai Anthropology Kyushu University Of Oesign Sciences
Maeda Akira
Department Of Dermatology Kinki University School Of Medicine
Maeda Akira
Department Of Artificial Environment And Systems Yokohama National University
Motohashi Yutaka
Department Of Hygiene Faculty Of Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Motohashi Y
Akita University School Of Medicine
Higuchi Shigekazu
Department Of Human Science Faculty Of Design Kyushu University
Department of Public Health, Akita University School of Medicine
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