Magnetic Properties of Nonequilibrium Fe-Cu-Ag Alloys Produced by Vapor Quenching
- 論文の詳細を見る
Magnetization and M6ssbauer effect have been measured for bcc, fcc and amor-phous Fe. ,(Cu. .Ag.), alloys sputter-deposited on liquid nitrogen cooledsubstrates. These alloys are ferromagnetic at low temperatures. In the fccFe.-,(Cu. .Ag,), alloys with y=0.65 and 0.85, the magnetic mornent of Fe atoms andthe magnetic hyperfine field of "Fe nuclei increase with the increase in x. Tlxe substitu-tion of Ag atoms with a large atomic size for Cu atoms increases the atomic volumeof Fe atoms, leading to a larger magnetic moment of Fe atoms as well as a largermagnetic hyperfine field. The magnetic and M6ssbauer characteristics of the amor-phous alloys are similar to those of the fcc alloys with the prc>ximate concentrations.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1988-04-15
Nakamura Yoji
Department of mechanical and System Engineering,Ryukoku University
Nakamura Y
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto‐shi Jpn
Nakamura Y
Department Of Metal Science And Technology Kyoto University
Sumiyama Kenji
Department of Metal Science and Technology, Kyoto University
Department of Metal Science and Technology,Kyoto University
Kawawake Yasuhiro
Department Of Metal Science And Technology Kyoto University:central Research Laboratory Matsushita E
Nakamura Yoji
Department Of Material Science And Technology Kyoto University
Sumiyama Kenji
Department Of Material Science And Technology Kyoto University
Sumiyama Kenji
Department of Metal Science and Technology,Kyoto University
Department of Frontier Materials Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
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