Frozen-In Devil's Staircase in U(Ru_<1-x>Rh_x)_2Si_2 Mixed Compound System as Studied by Neutron Diffraction
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We have carried out neutron diffraction experiments in order to study on the intermediate phase of the mixed system, U(Ru_<1-x>Rh_x)_2Si_2, of URu_2Si_2 and URh_2Si_2, which are a heavy Fermion and a localized f-electron compounds, respectively. In the intermediate phase, the magnetic moment of the uranium atom has a normal magnitude but the ground state has a complex multi-Q-domain structure. The origin of this state is discussed on the basis of competing anisotropic interactions and randomness in them. An energy-based consideration is given to understand the variation of the magnetic structures in U(Ru_<1-x>Rh_x)_2Si_2 and Ce(Ru_<1-x>Rh_x)_2Si_2 sytems.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1994-02-15
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Osaka University
MIYAKO Yoshihito
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Osaka University
Department of Physics,Graduate School of Science,Hokkaido University
Taniguchi T
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Taniguchi Toshifumi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
Taniguchi Toshifumi
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Katano Susumu
Advanced Science Research Center Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute:(present Office)department O
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Matsuoka Y
Research Center For Materials Science At Extreme Conditions Osaka University
MIYAKO Yoshihito
Depatment of Physics,Faculty of Scinece,Hokkaido University
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Amitsuka Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
Takeuchi T
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Miyako Y
Osaka Univ. Toyonaka
Miyako Yoshihito
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Miyako Yoshihito
Department Of Earth And Space Science Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Kawarazaki S
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Kobashi Yutaka
Department of Space and Earth Science, Osaka University
Kobashi Yutaka
Department Of Space And Earth Science Osaka University
Kawarazaki Shuzo
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Amitsuka Hiroshi
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo
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