Magnetoelastic Coupling in U_2Rh_3Si_5 Studied by Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction
- 論文の詳細を見る
Untrsual taaagnetic ordering and naaetstnaaagnetic tranasitioz'n in UzRh3Si5 were sttrdied by tl'aertnal expansion and magnetostr'ictiora taae?tstrretaaetats. Thertaaal expansion alotag the three quasiortlaorhonabic axes shoxvs discot'xtitutrities xvith an anisotropic strain at the ordering ternperature(T. : 25.5 K). The stnisotropic strain increases with applied rauagnetic field btmt flue N/01111116cluange art T. l)(IIICOIIICIS sumaller opposite to the cha?ages itu the lattice letagtla. N'lagnetostrictionsalso exhibit sharp and large letagth claanges at the rnetauaaagraetic transition, shoxvitag the strongnaagtaetostrictixxe cottpling in U3Rlu3Si5. The trntrsual belaaxviors of the taaagraetic and electronicproperties at this transition could be dtre to the claange ita the electronic states arising f'roun tlaelarge naagnetostrictive efl'ect.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-04-15
Low Temperature Center, Osaka University
竹内 徹也
大阪大 低温セ
Mydosh J
Leiden Univ. Leiden Nld
Ramakrishnan Srinivasan
Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research
Menovsky A
Van Der Waals-zeeman Laboratory University Of Amsterdam
Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory,Leiden University
Van der Waals-Zeeman Laboratory,University of Amsterdam
Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory,Leiden University
MIYAKO Yoshihito
Graduate School of Science,Department of Earth and Space Science,Osaka University
Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory,Leiden University
Takeuchi Tetsuya
Low Temperature Center Osaka University
Miyako Yoshihito
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Nieuwenhuys G
Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory Leiden University
Becker Bernd
Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory Leiden University
Miyako Yoshihito
Graduate School Of Science Department Of Earth And Space Science Osaka University
Takeushi Tetsuya
Low Temperature Center,Osaka University
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