Mossbauer Study of Reentrant Spin-Glass Pd_<1-x-y>Fe_xMn_y:Evidence for Coexistence of Spin-Glass and Ferromagnetic Orderings
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The M6ssbauer study has been made on the reentrant spin-glass state ofPd.....Fe.....Mn....,. and Pd ..9. .Fe....,Mn...,. The anomalous increaseof the average hyperfine field H.., found in some alloys with the reentrant spin-glass transition, was clearly observed below the spin-glass transition temperatureT.. This can be explained as freezing of the transverse spin component at T..From the variation of the M6ssbauer absorption intensity ratios with applied field,it has been shown that Fe spins behave partly ferromagnetic and partly like a spin-glass. We consider that this fact is an evidence for the coexistence of the spin-glass and ferromagnetic orderings. A model to explain our results has beenproposed. It has been also shown that the spin-glass state is microscopically notmuch affected by magnetic fields up to 5 k0e, the maximum value examined.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1985-05-15
MIYAKO Yoshihito
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Osaka University
Ito Atsuko
Department of Pathology, Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine
Ito Atsuko
Department Of Legal Medicine Toho University School Of Medicine
Ito Atsuko
Department Of Physics Fculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Ito A
Department Of Physics Ochanomizu University:(present)the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Ito Atsuko
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Takeda Yuuji
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Takeda Y
Department Of Chemistry Mie University
Matsuoka Y
Research Center For Materials Science At Extreme Conditions Osaka University
Takeda Yuko
Department of Cardiology
MIYAKO Yoshihito
Depatment of Physics,Faculty of Scinece,Hokkaido University
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Ochanomizu University
TAKATA Yasutaka
Institute for Molecular Science
Miyako Y
Osaka Univ. Toyonaka
Miyako Yoshihito
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Miyako Yoshihito
Department Of Earth And Space Science Faculty Of Science Osaka University
Ito A
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Morimoto Setsu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Takeda Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
SATO Toshikazu
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Hokkaido University
Morimoto S
Ochanomizu Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Takeda Yasuo
Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University:(present Address) Synthetic Crystal
Ito Atsuko
Department Of Legal Medicine School Of Medicine Toho University
Sato Toshikazu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Hokkaido University
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