A Case of Drug-Induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome-Like Symptoms Following HHV-6 Encephalopathy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-03-01
Momoi Toru
Department Of Pediatrics Kyoto University Hospital:department Of Pediatrics Japanese Red Cross Socie
Tanaka Rieko
Department Of Materials Technology Faculty Of Engineering Chiba University
Hamahata Keigo
Department Of Pediatrics Wakayama Red Cross Medical Center
Okumura Mitsuyoshi
Department Of Pediatrics Japanese Red Cross Society Wakayama Medical Center
Yoshida Akira
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Nagoya University
Tanaka Rieko
Department Of Pediatrics Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center
SAIDA Satoshi
Department of Pediatrics, Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center
ABE Junya
Department of Pediatrics, Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center
Saida Satoshi
Department Of Pediatrics Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center
Momoi Toru
Department Of Pediatrics Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center
Yoshida Akira
Department Of Pediatrics Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center
Abe Junya
Department Of Pediatrics Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center
Hamahata Keigo
Department Of Pediatrics Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center
Okumura Mitsuyoshi
Department Of Pediatrics Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center
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