Self-Formation of Ti-rich Interfacial Layers in Cu(Ti) Alloy Films
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-09-13
ITO Kazuhiro
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University
The Ritsumeikan Trust
伊藤 和博
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Kyoto University
伊藤 和博
村上 正紀
村上 正紀
The Ritsumeikan Trust
Kyoto Univ., Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Eng.
ITO Kazuhiro
Kyoto Univ., Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Eng.
Kyoto Univ., Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Eng.
守山 実希
Tsukimoto Susumu
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Kyoto University
Tsukimoto Susumu
Department Of Quantum Engineering Nagoya University
Ito Kazuhiro
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Kyoto University
Tsukimoto Susumu
World Premier International Research Center Advanced Institute For Materials Research Tohoku Univers
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- 特集号編集にあたって
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- なぜ外国へ渡ったか「Research Fund or Death!」
- 特集号企画にあたって
- Structure and chemistry of planar defects in bulk and thin film MoSi_2
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- 実態のわからぬ分野名
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- Self-Formation of Ti-rich Interfacial Layers in Cu(Ti) Alloy Films
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