- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to investigate spawning rhythms of shirogisu, a daily spawner, the spawning time of individual females was monitored every 15 minutes. Females oviposited spontaneously during 1800-2400h almost every day in summer under natural conditions. The spawning time was highly correlated to the water temperature of sea water 2 or 3 days before. It was confirmed experimentaly that high temperature retarded the spawning time and low temperature advanced it in the same female. Under constant darkness, shirogisu spawned daily. Spawning time gradually delayed about 15 minutes per day after a 4- or 7-day gap. In the experiment, shifting and changing photoperiods, spawning occurred 17.6-17.7 hours after the time of light-on, irrespective of the phase and duration of light periods. It was suggested that the spawning rhythm of shirogisu is based on the inner circadian rhythm of the fish and synchronized to 24h photoperiod with the time-cue of the onset of the light phase.
- 日本水産學會の論文
羽生 功
佐藤 英雄
吉岡 基
古川 清
吉岡 基
會田 勝美
羽生 功
佐藤 英雄
- 三重大学大学院・生物資源学研究科 生物圏生命科学専攻・魚類増殖学教育研究分野"ぎょぞう" (特集 海棲哺乳類について学べる! 国内大学の研究室紹介2010)
- 三重県加茂川におけるウグイの降海時期と降海時の体長
- 特集「水族館における鯨類の繁殖」にあたって (特集 水族館における鯨類の繁殖)
- 耳石微量元素分析を用いた三重県加茂川におけるウグイの回遊履歴の推定
- QRS群の波形に関する比較心電図学的研究
- 捕鯨モラトリアムから四半世紀 (特集:水産資源と環境)
- 飼育イルカの繁殖生理に関する基礎と応用研究 (特集 イルカ研究と水族館)
- 国内における近年の鯨類の生物学的研究 (総特集 鯨骨生物群集(2))
- 伊勢・三河湾ストランディングネットワーク構築に向けて一提案 (特集 スナメリ)
- 三河湾湾口部におけるスナメリの分布密度の季節変化
- Fungicidal activities of horseradish extract on a fish-pathogen oomycetes, Saprolegnia parasitica
- タイリクバラタナゴRhodeus ocellatus ocellatusの生殖年周期
- Current status of cetaceans and other marine mammals in the North Pacific, with a review of advanced research activities on cetacean biology in Japan
- Preface
- Alleviation of rainbow trout egg softening caused by sodium hypochlorite as an antifungal agent
- ウナギの生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-I : 性分化および生殖腺の成熟過程
- Extent of chum salmon egg softening caused by sodium hypochlorite as an antifungal agent
- Preventive efficacy of sodium hypochlorite against water mold infection on eggs of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta
- 産卵時のサケから導出した体側筋筋電図
- ウナギ心電図の水中電極による導出
- ウナギ体表心電図の単極導出法
- 持続的高水温・短日並びにその後の条件変更がキンギョの成熟に及ぼす効果
- カツオおよびソーダガツオの分光感度曲線
- 4-2. 水産動物における光感覚と明度の関連
- カツオ類のスペクトル感度と色彩感覚
- 軟骨魚二種のスぺクトル感度
- Features of the ocular Harderian gland in three Balaenopterid species based on anatomical, histological and histochemical observations
- 鯨類の繁殖生理に関する研究
- ミナミバンドウイルカの血液学および血液生化学的検査値にみられた日内変動
- シャチにおける視覚器の形態学的特徴
- Daily Spawning Rhythm During Spring and Autumn Spawning Seasons in the Tobinumeri-Dragonet Repomucenus beniteguri.
- Annual reproductive rhythm of the tobinumeri-dragonet Repromucenns beniteguri (Callionymidae) in Lake Hamana.
- Studies on the reproductive rhythms of fishes. XIV. Annual reproductive cycle of 2-3 years old female goldfish and its artificial modification by manipulations of water temperature and photoperiod.
- Studies on the reproductive rhythms of fishes. XV. Environmental influences on ovarian acitivty and related hormones in yearling goldfish.
- Studies on the reproductive rhythms of fishes. XVI. Environmental influences on testicular activity and related hormones in yarling goldfish.
- Changes in the chitinase activity at different stages of red sea bream Pagrus major egg, larva, and juvenile.
- Sex Control of the Japanese Eel by an Estrogen(DES-Na) in Feed.
- Growth promotion in Japanese eel by the oral administration of an estrogen (diethylstilbestrol).
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