- 論文の詳細を見る
Investigations were made on the behavioral response of the namazu Parasilurus asotus-nocturnal and carnivorous-to living prey (fish) or to weak electric fields generated by different sources. The results are as follows. 1. The namazu could catch prey in darkness without fail. 2. When the blinded namaau happened to come within a distance of s cm or less, it made a sudden, accurate tum to the prey and then swallowed the prey with a very swift motion. 3. The blinded namazu showed positive taxis to a weak, local electric field, and even attacked the electrodes reproducing an electric field which had been recQrded on a magnetic tape from near a prey. 4. Six blinded namazu were given choice between two cubes of carp muscle. One of the cubes was attached with electrodes reproducing the dummy electric field. They preferred the cube with electrodes to the one without (p<0.05, χ2-test). 5. Apparently, the namazu, exploring for food along the density gradient of the odor and at least getting into the azea where the electric field around the prey can be perceptible, will locate the prey accurately by means of its electric sense.
- 日本水産學會の論文
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