新しい中枢性筋弛緩薬Chlorphenesin Carbamateの脳波学的研究
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Electroencephalographic (EEG) effects of chlorphenesin carbamate were investigated in rabbits with chronic electrode implants, and compared with those of chlormezanone and methocarbamol. Chlorphenesin carbamate (50 mg/kg i.v., 100 mg/kg i.d.) induced a drowsy pattern of spontaneous EEG consisting of high voltage slow waves in the cortex and amygdala, and desynchronization of hippocampal theta waves. Chlormezanone also elicited similar EEG changes but such were much more potent than chlorphenesin carbamate. Methocarbamol showed no effect on spontaneous EEG. Chlorphenesin carbamate caused sedation in this period and muscle relaxation was more potent than that of chlormezanone. The EEG arousal response to auditory stimulation and to electric stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus, centromedian thalamus and mesencephalic reticular formation was slightly depressed by chlorphenesin carbamate. Chlorphenesin carbamate, as with chlormezanone, markedly depressed the limbic afterdischarges elicited by hippocampal stimulation. These EEG effects of chlorphenesin carbamate were qualitatively similar to but much weaker than those of chlormezanone, whereas the muscle relaxant effect of chlorphenesin carbamate was more potent than that of chlormezanone.
- 社団法人 日本薬理学会の論文
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